Interview with Wynk EMR Founder S. Ganesh of CMPS India
Automation plays a vital role in helping ophthalmologists perform rigorous tasks of providing proper care for their patients. For this reason, companies have taken the initiative to develop software and apps, such as the electronic medical record (EMR), to satisfy this need. Centris Mobility and Project Services (CMPS), an India-based company specialized in developing EMR technology, developed an application called Wynk EMR which includes patient appointment, administrative setup, ODP and others. The software gives practice managers and providers complete control over how they engage with patients. In this interview with CMPS Director for Sales and Marketing Mr. S Ganesh, Eyezone International Magazine learns more about Wynk EMR and how it can provide ophthalmologists and staff what they need.
Eyezone International (EI): How can Wynk benefit hospitals and clinics?
Ganesh (SG): Wynk EMR is an electronic medical record application that helps hospitals and clinics maintain clinical record in digital format. Currently, most of the hospitals and clinics are recording clinical data in a conventional way of writing in a sheet of paper, filing and storing the same in the record room. The benefits of using Wynk EMR are many, they are cost effective, time saving, easy to store and retrieve, easy to navigate, user-friendly, modern and more importantly up to date.
EI: Tell us about Wynk and its development. What are the software’s main features?
SG: Wynk, an ophthalmology EMR software, facilitates doctors, clinical and admin staff, to record their respective department details in a more convenient and aesthetically designed screens. Right from fixing appointments & registering patient by an admin staff, record ocular complaints, systemic conditions & store refraction details by an optometrist, capture slit lamp and fundus images, record anterior and posterior segment details, diagnosing and advising patient with suitable treatment plan, issue medical and optical prescription by the doctor, this end-to-end process is diligently followed to track consistently and offer treatment periodically.
EI: Are you planning to expand the product across the GCC?
SG: We already have customers using Wynk EMR in Saudi Arabia. Other countries in the GCC are also preparing to compete with global healthcare giants. We are poised to grow exponentially. We started expanding our base in Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain apart from adding more customers in Saudi Arabia.
EI: What is the usability level of the software? How user-friendly is it? How was the development of the design?
SG: As communicated earlier, software is extremely user-friendly. We have developed Wynk EMR in such a way that it is a single screen application. Doctors and other clinical staff can record and see all the data of a particular patient in the same screen. They don’t need to navigate from one screen to another which is time consuming and also complex to remember where to store and retrieve information. Our recent demo with some of top ophthalmologist in the city has proved this again and again.
EI: Would you develop this technology in the future?
SG: Wynk EMR is already hosted on the cloud platform considering today and future generations expectations. Also, it is compatible with some of the market leading browsers with database and other application stacks that are specifically designed to host cloud applications. All care is being taken periodically to stay tuned and to keep abreast with the growing technological advancement.
EI: Tell us about the product development team.
SG: CMPS has an exclusive dedicated EMR development team, which has rich experience in the healthcare domain more specifically related to ophthalmology. It has a right mix of both functional and technical expertise along with few doctors as consultants to ensure that the team as a whole speaks the same language.
EI: Describe a time when you had to troubleshoot a complex software issue on the product.
SG: Wynk EMR is fully-tested and free of issues under various business scenarios, however certain geography specific challenges will demand localization that will be addressed as and when business warrants. Configuring appointments as per UTC timings, triggering scheduled messages by communicating with various servers operating in different time zones, at the same time keeping the patients informed of their actual schedule were some of the challenges successfully handled.
EI: What are the security protocols incorporated in the software?
SG: As we are all aware, cloud-based applications are susceptible to intrusion. We have taken enough care by implementing security certificates that are certified by some of the global organizations. Ensuring data protection and data privacy has become the norm and need of the hour.