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Photo by Abdullah Almajed, KKESH, Health Education Department, Saudi Arabia | IAPB

Cameras at the Ready – World Sight Day Photo Competition is Back

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’ World Sight Day Photo Competition is back with creative new categories and great prizes to be won. 

As with every year, the competition will have two streams for entry – professional and amateur – allowing everyone to take part from those at home behind the lens to those who are new to the craft. With prizes of up to $1,000 up for grabs, IAPB is inviting everyone to start snapping. 

This year’s categories include:  

Love Your Eyes

A picture capturing the magic of a moment. This category showcases the importance of eye health, rehabilitation and access to services.  

Love Your Child’s Eyes

A picture showcasing the importance of eye health for a child(ren). This category celebrates the positive aspects of a young life impacted by clear, healthy vision. Can be posed or observed.   

Love Health For All

A picture capturing subjects delivering health services. Health professionals, eye health and otherwise. This category celebrates their tireless efforts to ensure no one is left behind. 


This category celebrates the intimate connection between photography and eyes. 

Find out more on IAPB’s official website.


Photo by Abdullah Almajed, KKESH, Health Education Department, Saudi Arabia | IAPB


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