Researcher uses imaging techniques to topple corneal disease

A researcher at the University of Houston is developing new techniques to map the structural integrity of the human cornea. The project is aimed at discovering more effective therapies for…

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Complimentary classes for sales professionals at Eyezone Institute

Promoted Content Eyezone Institute of Opticianry is pleased to invite you to enrol in its Complimentary Professional Sales Training Program, a student-friendly program sponsored by reputed institutions and organizations, while the faculty members strive to…

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Study suggests tight control of blood sugar could thwart vision loss

In a recently conducted Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) Trial Eye Study, researchers discovered that intensive blood sugar control appears to reduce the risk of eye disease…

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Eyezone Institute of Opticianry: An Overview

Sponsored Broadly speaking, Eyezone Institute of Opticianry provides optometry training programs and continuing education programs that meet professionals’ needs. It has aimed to improve skills and opportunity, as well as,…

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