Thales Launches Voice Payment Card for Visually Impaired People

Thales developed a solution for people with impaired vision in their daily payment experiences. It vocalizes each step of a transaction and is now certified by Visa and Mastercard.Developed in…

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Scientists are Developing ‘Smart Contact Lens’ to Detect Eye Infections

A pioneering ‘smart contact lens’ is being tested for eye infections in a quick, non-invasive way is being developed. According to the news release, proponents of the project hoped the…

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LED contact lens treatment may prevent diabetes-related blindness

By Ben Coxworth If diabetes progresses too far, it can result in a potentially blinding condition known as retinopathy. And while existing treatments are invasive and often painful, there may be…

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Mojo Vision إختبار العدسات اللاصقة للواقع المعزز الذكي من

بقلم:  لوز بلاينإنسَ سماعات رأس AR الضخمة، فالعدسات اللاصقة الذكية قادمة لتضع شاشات الواقع المعزز هناك على مقلة عينك. في الأسبوع الماضي، تطوع الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة Mojo Vision Drew Perkins…

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All Eyes on Face Shield Fashion

face shield with glasses

Now that protective masks and eye shields are a must in many public places, and epidemiologists are strongly advocating face shields for non-medical users, people have come up with ways to upgrade the mandatory personal protective equipment (PPE) into multifunctional use, while others have revamped the humble protective gear into (more…)

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