Featured: Eyezone Magazine meets the future with ZEISS

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Eyezone Blog-Zeiss-The Future of Optics 2017

It’s one of those awe-inspiring moments when Eyezone Magazine’s team finally bears witness to the unfolding of a promising future in optics. This dream is already reflected in “The Future of Optics” Convention where the Global ZEISS Vision Care community has met up in Berlin to try to offer the best vision possible – from the lens to virtualization, as well as, to digitized selling and all the science behind it. #ZEISSfuture is the hallmark of the convention, held in September of 2017. 

People from different corners of the globe flocked to breathe in some of the iconic sights of Berlin, accompanied by the hospitality and a variety of entertainment, big or small, all under the orchestration of the ZEISS team. And, of course, the experience is incomplete had the team have not gotten up close and personal with the adorable member of the ZEISS family, Pepper, the smart AI geared with all the right questions. It was a rollercoaster ride, to say the least, with a lot of VR games and new innovative optical products set to define the tomorrow-land of science and technology combined.

ZEISS’ Mobile Museum offers a timeless heritage as it unveils more than 100 years of progress, highlighting the rich and century-long history of sun and light protection for the human eye, beginning with the launch of ZEISS Umbral in 1924. And thereafter, the rest is history. Plus, there’s the ZEISS Expert Area, manned by ZEISS staff, from basic clinical and scientific research, technology and innovation departments, to communication, application and product development. The ZEISS Expert Area highlights ZEISS Vision Science Lab, which features a virtual reality playground that uniquely and exclusively utilizes VR technology and a playful, entertaining set-up to make the invisible visible.

Overall, the convention is rich with innovation and discoveries, not to mention, the inspiration and relevant information for each segment and product enthusiastically shared with clients and visitors alike, such as the future trend speaker in the person of Nick Sohnemann, one of Europe´s leading experts in trend and innovation research; ZEISS EnergizeMe Spectacle Lenses; ZEISS DriveSafe Lenses; ZEISS Visuconsult, the optician’s store of the future; and, a lot more.

All of these combined with the marvelous weather, astounding tourist sites and sounds, meeting with dearest colleagues, and networking with industry experts who are all passionate about further scientific developments in optics and the bright-eyed future that awaits the optical scene, of which all can be made possible with ZEISS.

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Armi Menorca

Creative writer, columnist, and editor in various newspapers, magazines, and literary anthologies in Kuwait and the Philippines since 2005.

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