Fresh Eyewear Styles for After 50s

Old woman with glasses and large hat

Our eyesight ages as we do, so our eyeglasses do not grow old with us either. That pre-loved pair of glasses also bears the wear and tear of the seasons as we hit the golden age. Some people may also gradually develop certain eye conditions and diseases, such as presbyopia and AMD, as they get on in years, making it a necessity to switch that precious pair that may have worked for them in their 30s but not in their 50s. But the good news is, nowadays, options come in different shapes, colors, lens types, and sizes. On top of that, there’s not one single yardstick to use as a guide in choosing the trendiest and age-friendly eyewear ever – even when you’re over 50!

Even experts have shared a few cents of their views as to what passes as trendy and (hashtag) “instagood”, say, when you debut your Instagram lookbook in your late 40s. These guides have significantly shaped public views and decisions in making eyewear fashion statements or helming the shopping experience, and this listicle of senior eyewear styles may have all the clues.

The kitty look

Commonly tagged as “the cat eye”, feline-eye-shaped frames give the definition of imperial-cum-quirky a solid face. These types of commonly soft-edged frames and humungous lenses could induce impressions of ubiquity and royalty, as you beam the yester-look of your salad days.

The cuddly color

Look forever young with your warm and shrill glances. It’s not only the shape of the frame that has the final say in the wearer’s image but also its colors and how these hues complement the getup. Red, brown, burgundy or other earthly colors are some of the favorites especially among older women, while blue and gray are a major stay-away.

Black eyepiece

It’s a universally known fact that black is beautiful. Black frames glimmer a sophisticated and classy look. It’s also a shape-shifter as black can transcend generations. A mix of youthfulness and wisdom is a win-win and making you a guaranteed fit-in.

The retro granny

When you truly feel young at heart, resist the temptation of getting over-the-counter “granny glasses”. These types of old-fashioned reading glasses may demo a quick fix, but they add several layers of years to the look you’re trying to wear. Give the retro look a chance. It’s deep and boomers-friendly.

The master of disguise

This is probably the trickiest one to pull off. The aim here is to keep those eyeglasses on camouflage mode. Yes. Rimless eyeglasses or those with thin frames are almost concealed from the bare public eyes. They are definitely a go-to choice when you want an inconspicuous pair of specs to save the day.

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Armi Menorca

Creative writer, columnist, and editor in various newspapers, magazines, and literary anthologies in Kuwait and the Philippines since 2005.

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