In some cases, glaucoma tends to run in the families and may be hereditary. Scientists have researched and identified genes that are related to high eye pressure and optic nerve damage.
Symptom and Signs
The symptoms and signs of glaucoma vary from person to person and also on the stage and type of your conditions. For instance:
Acute angle-closure glaucoma
-Severe headache
-Eye pain
-Nausea and vomiting
-Blurred vision
-Halos around lights
-Redness of the eyes
Open-angle glaucoma
-The appearance of patchy blind spots around the peripheral or central vision, which is frequent in both eyes.
-In the advanced stage the development of tunnel vision.
Glaucoma, usually comes with no warnings. It develops gradually over a period of time and one may not even notice the changes in vision until the condition reaches an advanced stage. And because the vision loss caused by glaucoma cannot be recovered, having regular eye tests is very important, so that the it can be diagnosed in the early stages.
But do not let glaucoma bring you down or limit your life. Considering, you are diagnosed in the early stages and have regular visits to the doctor, you can live your life as normally as anyone else.