The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) and the Technology Taskforce have developed a guide that aims to help policy makers, funders, and innovators and manufacturers of emerging eye health technology better understand and critically analyse eye care technology used at the community and primary levels of eye care. The Eye Health for Technology Guide is primarily designed for eyecare provider organisations and governments, those responsible for purchasing and implementing technology for service delivery.
The guide will help to engage with and adopt technology in their work and learning more about established technologies for eye health, define how technology can enable access to eye care, understand the stage of development of emerging technology, as well as consider how to appropriately introduce new technology into eye care services.
Accessible from any device, the guide is designed to help members and providers of eye care services evaluate and choose appropriate eye care technologies that will support with the delivery of eye care services. This is a resource for the sector and supports the embrace of technology that is critical to achieving the integrated aspect of 2030 In Sight.
“We know that the pace of change will not slow down. Nor will the complex factors that influence eye health. I am proud that the IAPB Eye Health Technology Guide helps organisations from all regions and budgets keep informed about the latest tech that will provide the most benefit to their programmes, patients, or research projects,” said Dr Aaron Magava, IAPB Africa Chair.