About Us
Welcome to Eyezone International – your resource in eye health essentials, esteemed by vision specialists worldwide.
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Eyezone International

Eyezone International is a premiere magazine that enriches the eye care community. Launched in 2005, it publishes the first magazine that features ocular essentials distributed to thousands of subscribers in the Middle East and across the globe. From vision health, corporate news and product launch to ophthalmic education, vision guides and tradeshows, it serves as a lens for readers interested in new perspectives in the field of vision care.
Administrative Consultant / المستشار الإداري
Ali Hassan Banddor / علي حسن بندور
Our Team / فريق العمل
Ashraf Bakleh / اشرف بقلة
Armi Menorca / آرمي مينوركا
Masrurah Shaikh / مسرورة شيخ
Maya Thomas / مايا توماس
Emad Deeb / عماد الذيب
Marketing Consultant / المستشار التسويقي