Reduce the effects of AMD with quality sunglasses

Guest post by Sally Collins

Eyezone Blog-Reduce the effects of AMD with quality sunglasses-Sally Collins

The eyewear market in the Middle East is predicted to hit US$5.86 billion by 2023. The UAE leads the way, with the huge demand for luxury sunglasses being key to the UAE’s dominance. But sunglasses are much more than just a luxury fashion item. They are essential when it comes to protecting your vision. UV and blue light damage the retina’s pigment cells, which accelerates conditions like age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Yet, by wearing a quality pair of sunglasses, it’s possible to filter out these types of radiation. Furthermore, those suffering from AMD should wear protective sunglasses not only outdoors, but also sometimes indoors, too.

What is AMD?

AMD causes approximately 5% of blindness worldwide, with experts predicting it will affect 196 million people by 2020. The major risk factors for AMD are age, genetics, and smoking. Studies have also looked into the effect of diet, light exposure, and cardiovascular disease. Macular degeneration can alter your central vision and lead to a loss of sharp vision.

Benefits of wearing sunglasses

Extreme sensitivity to glare is a frequent symptom of AMD. Glare caused by sunlight, artificial light, and reflections can be particularly harsh for those with this progressive condition. Sunglasses with polarized lenses can help to significantly reduce glare and by regularly wearing quality eye protection will provide comfort, while helping to slow down any deterioration of vision and prevent AMD from developing.

  • Protection: Exposure to ultraviolet light can damage the cornea, eyelids, the lens and parts of the retina. Therefore, it’s important that lenses provide 100% protection from UV-A and UV-B light.
  • Visibility: The darker the lens, the harder it is to see clearly, especially for people with AMD. So, try different shades of darkness to find out which one does not compromise your visibility.
  • Glare: Using a special filter, a polarized lens helps remove glare reflected from surfaces like water, the road and even the hood of a car. Reduced glare means better visibility and clarity, and stops the eyes from feeling tired.
  • Clarity: Macular degeneration affects sharp, detailed vision. Therefore, you should look for sunglasses with quality lenses. Check that there’s no distortion or blurred images when you look through the lenses.
  • Enhanced contrast: The ability to distinguish contrast reduces with AMD. However, some tinted lenses offer better contrast. It’s generally recommended that people with AMD choose orange and yellow lenses. A blue blocker lens is also helpful to reduce glare, while not making everything too dark. However, you should avoid driving with blue blocker lenses as it can make it difficult to distinguish traffic light signal colors.

Improve your eye health

Sunglasses offer a number of benefits from providing clarity, enhancing contrast and reducing glare. Ask your vision specialist to help you decide which is the best color, shade, and type of lens material for you and your eyes. Remember, slowing AMD and even preventing the condition from developing starts by making healthy lifestyle choices. So, eat well, avoid pollutants and wear quality sunglasses to help you enjoy better eye health for longer.

About the author: Sally Collins is a professional freelance writer with many years experience across many different areas. She made the move to freelancing from a stressful corporate job and loves the work-life balance it offers her. When not at work, Sally enjoys reading, hiking, spending time with her family and travelling as much as possible.

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