Studies & Research

أول قطرات عين معتمدة من إدارة الغذاء والدواء لتحل محل نظارات القراءة، يتم طرحها للبيع

لا يستطيع المكفوفون رؤية اللون ولكنهم يفهمونه بنفس طريقة الأشخاص المبصرين

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High Caffeine Consumption May be Associated with Increased Risk of Blinding Eye Disease

Melanoma of the Eye: Preclinical Tests Show Path toward Treatment

Children’s Eye Health Safety Month

Children's Eye Health Safety Month

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Mapping Questioning Skills with Human Personality

هل هذه هي النهاية لإستخدام لوحة العلامات في فحص العين؟

“Adapt or Die”: Optometry Organizational Resilience

How the Brain Learns That Earmuffs Are Not Valuable at the Beach

Tracing the many paths of vision

Cell type specific genes

Study in mice shows genes may be altered through drug repurposing

Restoration of retinal and visual function following gene therapy

Technique to regenerate optic nerve offers hope for future glaucoma treatment

Air pollution linked to a higher risk of sight loss from AMD



Eye Wellness and Digital Devices.