Global Uncorrected Refractive Error and Presbyopia: the Size of the Problem

Uncorrected refractive error is often ignored in the realm of global health priorities, yet its substantial impact on the economic and personal wellbeing of individuals and societies worldwide is undeniable. Myopia (shortsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism, grouped together under the term ‘refractive error’, cause blurred distance and/or near vision, and presbyopia (age-related loss of accommodation) causes blurred near vision.

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Machine Learning Sees into the Future to Prevent Sight Loss in Humans

In a study recently published in JAMA Ophthalmology, researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) developed a machine-learning model that works well for predicting -- and visualizing -- the…

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Video-to-Sound Tech Allows Blind People to Recognize Faces

Sensory substitution devices translated basic faces and other shapes into auditory waveforms that blind and sighted subjects were trained to recognize. By Loz BlainNeuroscientists have shown that blind people recognize basic…

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Focusing on World Sight Day 2019

World Sight Day (WSD), co-ordinated by the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB), is an international day of awareness, held annually on the second Thursday of October to focus attention on the global issue of avoidable blindness and visual impairment. This year World Sight Day falls on 10 October 2019.

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A day in the life of a blind girl

Guest Post by Holly, Life of a blind girl

Holly-Disability and lifestyle blogger

Just like sighted people, blind people’s lives are completely different. No one’s lives are exactly the same regardless of whether you have a disability or not.

So what does a day in my life look like?

I wake up to an alarm on my phone, as for me, that’s the most accessible way of doing it. I try not to snooze my alarm (more…)

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2018 ISGEO Congress to be held in Hyderabad, India


The 2018 ISGEO Congress will be held on 11-12 September 2018, in Hyderabad, India. This will take place a few days before the IAPB Council of Members which is being held in Hyderabad from 15-16 September. (more…)

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Drinking hot tea every day linked to lower glaucoma risk

Glaucoma causes fluid pressure to build up inside the eye (intraocular pressure), damaging the optic nerve. It is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide, and currently affects 57.5 million people, and is expected to increase to 65.5 million by 2020.

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