Feed your eyes with these super foods

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For the Healthy Vision Month celebration, we are pumped up to list down six of the best foods for the eyes that you, your loved ones, or patients should look for. These fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients needed to keep your eyes sharp and in shape.

Carrots are not only for bunnies. In fact, they are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, especially carotenoids which help decrease risks of eye diseases. (more…)

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C is for vitamin C, not cataract


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Cataract, a common condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy as a result of oxidation, has the most common surgical operation performed with more than 300,000 procedures carried out each year in the UK alone.

In a study at King’s College, London, participants who had a higher intake of vitamin C were associated with a 33 per cent risk reduction of cataract progression and had ‘clearer’ lenses after the 10 years than those who had consumed less vitamin C as part of their diet. (more…)

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