Working on a global mission to improve children’s eyesight

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Four years ago, Essilor, the market leader in ophthalmic optics with the mission to improve lives by improving sight, created dedicated teams to reach the 2.5 billion people across the globe who don’t have access to the vision correction they need. Since then, Essilor has launched and scaled-up new inclusive business models and deployed many non-profit initiatives to improve access to vision care in developing (and developed) nations. (more…)

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70th World Health Assembly

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Member State Side Event

Towards Universal Eye Health: Taking stock of progress against the Global Action Plan – what’s working and where to from here?

Thursday 25 May 2017
12.30pm – 2.00pm
Room XXIV (24), Palais des Nations, Geneva

Lunch and refreshments will be provided and there will be simultaneous translation in English, French, Russian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic. (more…)

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Feed your eyes with these super foods

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For the Healthy Vision Month celebration, we are pumped up to list down six of the best foods for the eyes that you, your loved ones, or patients should look for. These fruits and vegetables are rich in essential nutrients needed to keep your eyes sharp and in shape.

Carrots are not only for bunnies. In fact, they are excellent sources of vitamins A and C, especially carotenoids which help decrease risks of eye diseases. (more…)

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IACLE Names Jordanian Optometrist Contact Lens Educator of the Year

Among those to receive the 2017 IACLE Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards is Jordanian optometrist and Chairman of the optometry department at Amman Ahliyah University, Dr. Yazan Gammoh.…

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Vision loss linked to depression

The theme of World Health Day 2017 is depression. Various studies conducted by ophthalmologists and researchers show that adults with vision loss were 90 percent more likely to have clinical…

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Priorities for glaucoma care in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Applanation tonometry: accurate measurement of intraocular pressure is important in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma/ Photo credits: Gabriel Entekume

Glaucoma affects at least one in every 25 people aged 40 years and above in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It occurs as a result of the intraocular pressure (eye pressure [IOP]) being too high for the normal functioning of the optic nerve which is responsible for sight. Despite the vision loss that it causes, over half of the people with glaucoma are unaware and this is reflected in their late presentation in seeking care. (more…)

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World Council of Optometry marks 90 years advocacy

Originally founded in Cologne, Germany in 1927 as the International Optical League (Ligue Internationale d’optique), The World Council of Optometry (WCO) marked its 90th anniversary on March 7, 2017. Headquartered…

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Pregnancy complication may increase risk to mothers’ eyes

Eyezone Blog-Pregnancy complication may increase risk to mothers' eyes

A study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology suggests that pre-eclampsia may be associated with retinal disease in the mother later in life. Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and large amounts of protein in the urine. According to this study, more severe and earlier-onset pre-eclampsia was associated with even higher risk. (more…)

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