Study: Artificial Intelligence as Good as Top Experts at Detecting Eye Diseases

The breakthrough research describes how machine learning technology has been successfully trained on thousands of historic de-personalised eye scans to identify features of eye disease and recommend how patients should be referred for care.

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Healing Eyes with Contact Lenses

A cross-disciplinary University of Waterloo team has developed a new contact lens material that could act as a bandage for corneal wounds while releasing drugs in a controlled manner to…

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Read more about the article Children with ‘Lazy Eye’ are at Increased Risk of Serious Disease in Adulthood
A little boy wearing glasses and an eye patch (plaster, occluder) undergoes a hardware vision treatment to prevent amblyopia and strabismus (squint, lazy eye). Child congenital vision disease problem.

Children with ‘Lazy Eye’ are at Increased Risk of Serious Disease in Adulthood

Adults who had amblyopia ('lazy eye') in childhood are more likely to experience hypertension, obesity, and metabolic syndrome in adulthood, as well as an increased risk of heart attack, finds…

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Researchers Develop First Model of Human Conjunctiva

The Organoid group at the Hubrecht Institute produced the first organoid model of the human conjunctiva. These organoids mimic the function of the actual human conjunctiva, a tissue involved in…

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Gene Therapy for Rare Eye Disease Safe but Lacks Efficacy

Image of retina (left) showing swelling of the optic nerve head from Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, compared to normal (right). Byron Lam (left); National Eye Institute (right). Image credit:…

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November is diabetic eye disease awareness month

Eyezone Blog - Diabetic eye disease awareness month

Diabetic eye disease refers to a group of eye problems that people with diabetes may face as a complication of diabetes. People with diabetes are at risk for diabetic retinopathy, cataract, and glaucoma.

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common diabetic eye disease in America. It is caused by changes in the blood vessels of the retina. (more…)

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Eye disease treatment for preemies

Eyezone Blog-Eye disease treatment for preemies

Ground-breaking research by Monash University scientists has demonstrated the previously unknown existence of a disease-fighting immune cell in the eye and points to potential novel ways of treating eye disorders in premature babies and diabetic adults.

The scientists, led by Professor Jennifer Wilkinson-Berka in the Central Clinical School’s new Department of Diabetes, were investigating improved ways of treating retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), which occurs in very small, prematurely born babies. (more…)

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It’s Healthy Vision Month! Make your vision last a lifetime

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When it comes to our health, we often visit our doctor or nurse regularly to make sure our bodies are healthy. But what about our eyes? They’re not always top of mind, but they’re just as important.

During Healthy Vision Month, held each May, the National Eye Institute (NEI) reminds you to make your eye health a priority and encourages you to take important steps to protect your sight. (more…)

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