A call to action on Myopia Awareness Week

Myopia Awareness Week-BHVI and WCO

On 13–19 May 2019, which marks the Myopia Awareness Week, the World Council of Optometry and Brien Holden Vision Institute are joining hands to encourage discussions on myopia and build a movement to help mitigate its effect on people.

According to a recent study published in the scientific journal Ophthalmology, (more…)

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Brien Holden Vision Institute addresses factory workers eye health

BHVI addresses factory workers eye health
Attendees of the dissemination event hosted at Brien Holden Vision Insitute.

DURBAN, South Africa — A dissemination event was hosted at the Brien Holden Vision Institute office on June 23, 2018, in Durban. Prof Kovin Naidoo, CEO of Brien Holden Vision Institute and the Principal Investigator for the Work Productivity Study Research, presented the results to factory workers and factory managers who attended the event. (more…)

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2018 ISGEO Congress to be held in Hyderabad, India


The 2018 ISGEO Congress will be held on 11-12 September 2018, in Hyderabad, India. This will take place a few days before the IAPB Council of Members which is being held in Hyderabad from 15-16 September. (more…)

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Optometry and PRK 2018 call for abstracts

Optometry and PRK 2018

Conference Series is inviting eye care professionals to submit abstracts for the “18th World Conference on Optometry & Photo Refractive Keratectomy” (Optometry and PRK 2018) which will commence on September 24-25, 2018 in Dallas, USA. The conference is CME accredited. Optometry & PRK 2018 will be organized around the theme “Breaking the Frontiers in Vision Science”. (more…)

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Unified effort to beat trachoma

French-speaking countries in West Africa joined forces to eliminate trachoma, the world’s leading cause of infectious blindness, under a new initiative spearheaded by The Task Force’s International Trachoma Initiative (ITI). Representatives discussed funding, logistics, and supply-chain management issues around the mass drug administration of antibiotic for eliminating trachoma as a public health problem. (more…)

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Our children’s vision counts

WSD2017-Eyezone Blog

This day marks World Sight Day, and organizations from all corners of the optical industry around the world gather to make their voices count. World Sight Day (WSD) is an annual day of global awareness on blindness and vision impairment co-ordinated by IAPB under the VISION 2020 Global Initiative.

Based on a new global data report published by IAPB Vision Atlas, 253 million people are visually impaired while 89% of these people live in low- and middle-income countries. Moreover, localised and restricted environment in marginalized communities, such as ill-planned infrastructure and technological barriers, confers eye health challenges to children.  (more…)

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Vision loss linked to depression

The theme of World Health Day 2017 is depression. Various studies conducted by ophthalmologists and researchers show that adults with vision loss were 90 percent more likely to have clinical…

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Priorities for glaucoma care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Eyezone Blog-Priorities for glaucoma care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Applanation tonometry: accurate measurement of intraocular pressure is important in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma/ Photo credits: Gabriel Entekume

Glaucoma affects at least one in every 25 people aged 40 years and above in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It occurs as a result of the intraocular pressure (eye pressure [IOP]) being too high for the normal functioning of the optic nerve which is responsible for sight. Despite the vision loss that it causes, over half of the people with glaucoma are unaware and this is reflected in their late presentation in seeking care. (more…)

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New optical business directory hits the web

Kuwait: EYEZONE Magazine, the first optical magazine in the Middle East, has launched a comprehensive online directory called Eyezone Optiguide. It covers a whole gamut of data relevant in building…

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