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		<pubDate>Wed, 21 Feb 2024 09:09:07 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[In a study recently published in JAMA Ophthalmology, researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) developed a machine-learning model that works well for predicting &#8212; and visualizing &#8212; the risk of visual impairment over the long term. People with extreme shortsightedness (called high myopia) can clearly see objects that are near to them but [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>In a study recently published in JAMA Ophthalmology, researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) developed a machine-learning model that works well for predicting &#8212; and visualizing &#8212; the risk of visual impairment over the long term.</p><p>People with extreme shortsightedness (called high myopia) can clearly see objects that are near to them but cannot focus on objects at a distance.</p><p>Contacts, glasses, or surgery can be used to correct their vision, but having high myopia is not just inconvenient; half of the time it leads to a condition called pathologic myopia, and complications from pathologic myopia are the leading causes of blindness.</p><p>&#8220;We know that machine-learning algorithms work well on tasks such as identifying changes and complications in myopia,&#8221; says Yining Wang, lead author of the study, &#8220;but in this study, we wanted to investigate something different, namely how good these algorithms are at long-term predictions.&#8221;</p><p>To do this, the team performed a cohort study and looked at the visual acuity of 967 Japanese patients at TDMU&#8217;s Advanced Clinical Center for Myopia after 3 and 5 years had passed.</p><p>They formed a dataset from 34 variables that are commonly collected during ophthalmic examinations, such as age, current visual acuity, and the diameter of the cornea.</p><p>They then tested several popular machine-learning models such as random forests and support vector machines.</p><p>Of these models, the logistic regression-based model performed the best at predicting visual impairment at 5 years.</p><p>However, predicting outcomes is only part of the story. &#8220;It&#8217;s also important to present the model&#8217;s output in a way that is easy for patients to understand and convenient for making clinical decisions,&#8221; says Kyoko Ohno-Matsui, senior author.</p><p>To do this, the researchers used a nomogram to visualize the classification model.</p><p>Each variable is assigned a line with a length that indicates how important it is for predicting visual acuity.</p><p>These lengths can be converted into points that can be added up to obtain a final score explaining the risk of visual impairment in future.</p><p>People who permanently lose their vision often suffer both financially and physically as a result of their loss of independence. The decrease in global productivity caused by severe visual impairment was estimated to be USD94.5 billion in 2019. Although the model still has to be evaluated on a wider population, this study has shown that machine-learning models have good potential to help address this increasingly important public health concern, which will benefit both individuals and society as a whole.</p><p>Journal Reference:</p><p>Yining Wang, Ran Du, Shiqi Xie, Changyu Chen, Hongshuang Lu, Jianping Xiong, Daniel S. W. Ting, Kengo Uramoto, Koju Kamoi, Kyoko Ohno-Matsui. Machine Learning Models for Predicting Long-Term Visual Acuity in Highly Myopic Eyes. JAMA Ophthalmology, 2023; DOI: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2023.4786<br /> </p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>3 Innovations in Myopia Management</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[By Linda Conlin, ABOC, NCLEC Uncorrected myopia is the leading cause of distance vision impairment globally. Approximately 30 percent of the world is currently myopic, and the number is increasing, projected to affect 50 percent of the world population by 2050, according to the International Myopia Institute. Early intervention and detection in children are key [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>By Linda Conlin, ABOC, NCLEC</p><p>Uncorrected myopia is the leading cause of distance vision impairment globally. Approximately 30 percent of the world is currently myopic, and the number is increasing, projected to affect 50 percent of the world population by 2050, according to the International Myopia Institute. Early intervention and detection in children are key to reducing the impact of myopia on their long-term ocular health and improving their future lives. New developments in spectacle lenses, contact lenses, and orthokeratology have been shown to manage the increased incidence of childhood myopia.</p><p>Different types of eyeglass lenses have been shown to slow the progression of myopia. A recent study explored the efficacy of spectacle lenses designed for myopia management versus conventional single-vision spectacle lenses for myopia control. The data revealed that lens designs incorporating both highly aspherical and slightly aspherical lenslets reduced the rate of myopia progression and eye elongation over the course of a two-year period. New spectacle lens designs for myopia control incorporate either “lenslet” or “diffusion” technology. Lenslets can be thought of as tiny 1 mm diameter mini-lenses distributed across the lens surface, helping to send a specific type of signal to the myopic eye to slow down eye growth.</p><p>Different lens designs incorporate lenslets. One design features concentric rings of highly aspherical lenslets. Each ring has lenslets of a different power, and within a ring, the lenslets touch. There is a clear central zone and spaces between each ring for sharp distance vision. In another design, lenslets are all of the same power and in a honeycomb array. It also has a clear central zone with spaces between each lenslet for sharp distance vision. A different lens design uses microscopic diffusers and has a smaller central clear zone, creating a diffusion or blur of light around the edges of the lens.</p><p><strong>Tip: Become familiar with the different lens designs by working with the prescriber, manufacturers’ reps and product information resources to determine the best lens for the patient.</strong></p><p>There is an ever-increasing availability of soft contact lenses that slow myopia progression. A recent study found that contact lenses for children are just as safe for children as they are for adults and may be a good alternative for active children’s lifestyles. One effective method of myopia management includes the use of daily multifocal soft contact lenses. Myopia control soft contact lenses are designed to slow the accelerated eye growth of childhood myopia based on how images are focused on different parts of the retina. When standard vision correction is used, the central part of the image is focused on the retina for clear vision, but the peripheral light rays focus behind the retina, called peripheral hyperopic defocus. Research indicates that this generates a growth signal for the eye, inducing myopia. Specially designed lenses focus light in front of the retina, slowing eye growth and myopia progression.</p><p>Contact lens designs for myopia control include simultaneous vision soft lenses, such as aspheric progressive, dual-focus, traditional multifocal, ring focus and extended depth of focus designs. Each design utilizes different zones of power within the lens to focus peripheral light rays in front of the retina to act as a stop signal for myopia progression while also optimizing vision correction.</p><p><strong>Tip: Children may prefer the comfort and convenience of contact lenses for active lifestyles. Become familiar with the various lens designs and the basis for the doctor’s lens choice for each patient.</strong></p><p>Orthokeratology is a reliable and widely accepted option for myopia management. Special contact lenses are worn during the night to flatten the cornea. Flattening the cornea shortens the distance to the retina, so the light will focus properly. At the same time, peripheral images that focus behind the retina are brought forward. Orthokeratology has the added benefit of freeing the patient from using correction during the daytime. It allows for more parental control and is a great option for athletes, especially swimmers. There are many different contact lens manufacturers making ortho-k lenses and consequently, many different ortho-k lens designs on the market. Moreover, current research shows promising signs that ortho-k lenses can be modified to increase the myopia control effect. Fitting and follow-up for ortho-k lenses are critical to determine the optimum lens design for the individual patient. To monitor efficacy, the doctor will measure myopia and compare it against average expected myopia progression rates.</p><p><strong>Tip: The International Myopia Institute recommends checkups every six months when ortho- k is used for myopia control.</strong></p><p>Although there’s no cure for myopia, early intervention helps to manage the condition. Research continues, but ECPs currently have a variety of eyeglass and contact lens designs in their toolbox to slow its progression.</p><p>Originally published in <em>20/20 Magazine</em>.</p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>Leveraging Prism to Enhance Binocular Vision</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[By Kai Rands ECPs are often taught that binocular vision disorders can be addressed by applying prism uniformly across lenses. Recent research suggests that contoured prism may alleviate symptoms such as asthenopia, headaches and neck pain among those with even small eye misalignments. Contoured prism varies the amount of prism across the lens to address [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p><strong>By Kai Rands</strong></p><p>ECPs are often taught that binocular vision disorders can be addressed by applying prism uniformly across lenses. Recent research suggests that contoured prism may alleviate symptoms such as asthenopia, headaches and neck pain among those with even small eye misalignments. Contoured prism varies the amount of prism across the lens to address the viewer’s prismatic needs at different distances.</p><p>As ECPs, we can better enhance patients’ binocular vision functioning as well as alleviate associated discomfort when we know when and how to leverage prism with patients. Let’s take a deeper look at this fundamental principle of ophthalmic optics and see how we can harness its power.</p><h4><strong>Binocular Sensory Perception</strong></h4><p>Binocular vision affords a larger field of view, compensates for the optic disc scotoma and enhances depth perception as compared to vision with a single eye. These benefits rely on the interpupillary distance. Since the two eyes are separated horizontally on the face, the light reflecting off objects and entering the eye form slightly different images, a phenomenon referred to as retinal disparity. Yet, those with binocular vision see a single image. This conundrum has fascinated thinkers throughout the ages.</p><p>Macular perception is the most basic level of sensory status in binocular vision. The visual axis of each eye connects the object, through the center of rotation of the eye, to the fovea. Fusion, the next grade of sensory status, occurs not within the eye but further along the visual pathways and results in the perception of a single image. In stereopsis, the highest grade of binocular sensory perception, the neural circuitry in the visual pathways uses complex computations to detect the location of objects in three-dimensional space.</p><p>Binocular sensory perception requires the eyes to converge or diverge so that the visual axes continue to connect objects at different distances to the fovea of each eye. This is accomplished by the extraocular muscles. For convergence, the medial rectus muscles contract while the lateral rectus muscles relax. In divergence, the lateral rectus muscles contract while the medial rectus muscles relax. Vergence responses must coordinate with accommodation to keep the image clear. A common measure of this relationship is the accommodative convergence to accommodation ratio, AC/A.</p>								</div>
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									<h4>Binocular Vision Dysfunctions and Measurement Techniques</h4><p>Binocular Vision Dysfunction can occur at any point in coordinating eye movement, accommodation and sensory processing. Phorias and tropias involve misalignment of the visual axes. A manifest tropia is always apparent. Intermittent tropias are only apparent some of the time. Phorias last a very short time. Researchers and clinicians have developed scales to rate eye turn duration from pure phoria all the way up to manifest tropia, according to Clinical Management of Binocular Vision by Mitchell Scheiman and Bruce Wick.</p><p>Clinicians also use prisms to determine the magnitude of a phoria or tropia. The general idea is to use high prism to dissociate the images between the eyes. In other words, the clinician purposefully induces diplopia. Dissociating the images allows the clinician to observe the behavior of the eyes independently. Dr. Sheiman and Dr. Wick describe the von Graefe technique that uses this approach. The left eye views an optotype (e.g., letter on a Snellen chart) through a horizontal prism and the right eye views through a vertical prism. The horizontal prism is approximately 10^ to 12^BI and the vertical prism is about 6^BD. To measure the horizontal deviation, the clinician adjusts the magnitude of the horizontal prism until the patient says that the top and bottom images of the optotype align. This measurement technique is often performed at distance and near because the magnitude of the phoria is typically different at these distances. Most people tend to have a small exophoria. The expected mean distance horizontal deviation for adults is 1 prism diopter exophoria with a standard deviation of +/-1 prism diopter. So, approximately 68 percent of the population has a horizontal deviation of 0 prism diopters (orthophoria) to 2 prism diopters exophoria based on the statistical normal distribution. For near, the expected mean horizontal deviation for adults is 3 prism diopters exophoria with a standard deviation of +/- 3 prism diopters. So, approximately 68 percent of adults have 0 prism diopters (orthophoria) to 6 prism diopters exophoria at near.</p><p>When fixating on an object, two forces are in play. One force moves the visual axes according to the phoria; the other force moves the visual axes toward the object through the vergence response. Fixation disparity is the difference between the visual target vergence angle (the angle created by connecting the eyes to the target) and the viewer’s vergence angle under binocular viewing. In other words, measures of fixation disparity indicate the viewer’s ability to compensate for a phoria.</p><h5>Binocular Function, Pain and Discomfort</h5><p>What happens if a patient’s phoria is within the typical range for distance but outside the range at near or vice versa? In this case, the patient’s eyes are converging too much (convergence excess) or too little (convergence insufficiency), or diverging too much (divergence excess) or too little (divergence insufficiency). These conditions are associated with symptoms such as asthenopia, headaches, intermittent blur or diplopia, burning and tearing. Researchers are currently investigating whether these symptoms also arise from smaller, more typical phorias. The trigeminal nerve is a cranial nerve that transmits sensory information related to temperature, touch and pain from the face, including the eyes, to the trigeminal nucleus, which projects to other parts of the nervous system. One theory under investigation associates small eye misalignments with a broad cluster of symptoms referred to as trigeminal dysphoria. More research is needed to confirm this theory and investigate the mechanisms involved.</p><h5>Uniform Wedge Prisms</h5><p>Using uniform prism is one strategy for addressing the symptoms associated with binocular vision disorders. A prism bends light toward the base and displaces the image toward the apex. When the image appears in a different place, the eye’s visual axis must point in a different direction to maintain fixation on the object. Most simply, we can insert a plano wedge prism into a frame for a patient without a refractive error. In practice, wedge prisms are rarely used for daily use. A lens with uniform base up prism would move the image down toward the apex so the eye would turn down to align with the new location of the image. Uniform base down prism has the opposite effect—the image is displaced up so the eye turns up. Uniform base in prism displaces the image temporally so that the eye turns out and base out prism displaces the image nasally so that the eye turns in. In practice, plano lenses with uniform prism typically have a positive base curve.</p><h5>Ophthalmic Lenses and Prism</h5><p>As we know, non-plano ophthalmic lenses are designed to converge light to correct for hyperopia and diverge light to correct for myopia. To do so, plus lenses are thickest at the optical center and thinner around the edges. In essence, the edges of a plus lens are an apex, and the optical center is a base of a concentric prism. The opposite is true of a minus lens: the edges are a base, and the optical center is the apex. In contrast to the plano prisms described above, the plus and minus lenses also curve at different rates on the front and back surfaces, so the amount of prism changes based on the dioptric power. For spherocylindrical lenses, since the dioptric power changes based on the meridian (as found using the oblique meridian formula), the amount of prism also changes based on the meridian. Prentice’s Rule describes this relationship mathematically. The amount of prism in prism diopters is the product of the dioptric power along the given meridian and the distance from the optical center in centimeters.</p><h5>Prescribed Prism</h5><p>Patients often benefit from prism while still having a refractive error. The lens must do double duty: displace the image and correct the refractive error. One way to accomplish both tasks is to decenter the optical center of a spherical or spherocylindrical lens. Then the patient’s visual axis at primary gaze passes through a point on the lens with the desired amount of prismatic effect. Another option is to surface the lens so that it already combines the spherical or spherocylindrical curvature with uniform prism.</p><p>We can use prism to move an image of an object, but in which direction should we move the image? We can take two approaches: Move the image toward the patient’s existing visual axis, or move the patient’s visual axis toward the object. Moving the image toward the patient’s existing visual axis is relieving or therapeutic prism. The prism relieves the need for the extraocular musculature from constantly attempting to fixate an object with both eyes. This can make fusion easier. In this case, the base is placed on the opposite side from the deviation. Moving the visual axis toward the object is adverse prism. To do so, the base is placed in the direction of the deviation. The prism challenges the extraocular musculature to build up the strength and skill to fixate on the object.</p><h5>New Measurement Techniques</h5><p>In October 2023, Neurolens, a company specializing in contoured prism technology, introduced a new virtual reality-based device that measures binocular alignment. Like previous Neurolens measurement devices, the N3 measures phorias at distance and near, fixation disparity and accommodative convergence response, according to a Neurolens blog post. Similar to the von Graefe technique, the N3 uses a dissociative test with non-fusible targets to measure eye misalignment. N3 also measures fixation disparity and the accommodative convergence response.</p><p>The N3 guides the patient through the measurement process, which can be conducted in the pretesting area or exam room. After the assessment, while the patient is still immersed in virtual reality, the device demonstrates any misalignment findings to the patient and asks whether the patient would like to discuss the findings with the optometrist.</p><p>Tausha Barton, OD, a consultant for Neurolens, began using the N3 in October 2023. Among her first patients were two brothers, ages 9 and 11. After the children completed the testing, the 9-year-old reported “Yeah, it was easy… it said I have an eye misalignment and need special glasses to fix it.” When Dr. Barton looked at the results, she noted that the 19-year-old had exophoria at distance and esophoria at near, an uncommon misalignment. Based on these findings, Dr. Barton asked the mother about the younger boy’s reading performance at school. The screening questionnaire before testing had not revealed any symptoms. Following up on the N3 results exposed a more detailed picture. When asked how the youngest boy was doing in reading, the mother reported that his reading performance was below expectations and that he avoided reading. Dr. Barton suggested that the reading difficulties may be due to eye misalignment at near rather than a learning difference: “If a child’s eyes are uncomfortable, they may avoid things that make them uncomfortable…They don’t have the vocabulary or knowledge that what they are experiencing with words moving on the page or splitting apart is not normal.” One of the children also volunteered that when he is watching TV, the image splits into two. When he blinks a few times, the image returns to a single image. Neurolenses may enhance the children’s quality of life by improving their binocular vision. Dr. Barton prescribed Neurolenses as a solution to improve the boys’ binocular vision.</p><p>Ophthalmic optics researchers, suppliers and eyecare professionals continue to master the technology of prisms to move images to their advantage. Technology such as the N3 measurement device and contoured lenses bring precision to binocular function assessment and ophthalmic lens design. As experts in ophthalmic lenses, opticians have an opportunity to be leaders in this process.</p>								</div>
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									<h4>Contoured Prism</h4><p>Opticians specialize in manufacturing and fitting lenses to optimize patients’ visual experience in natural settings. As such, more optical labs such as Cherry Optical Lab are beginning to manufacture contoured prism lenses through freeform digital technology. Dispensing opticians ensure that the eyes and contoured prism lenses work together as a system. Opticians also continue the education begun in the exam room. Patients may not have been exposed to information about binocular vision and eye misalignment in previous settings. Opticians can help patients distinguish between visual acuity and binocular function. Patients may expect lenses with contoured prism to help images to appear clearer so opticians can highlight that the purpose of contoured prism is to counteract eye misalignment and improve symptoms such as headaches and eye strain.</p><p>The Neurolens measuring devices, including the most recent N3, provide the data needed to produce lenses with contoured prism. Freeform technology precisely contours the lens so that the amount of prism varies to account for eye misalignment differences at distance and near. Since most people have less misalignment at distance than at near, the amount of prism in a contoured lens typically increases gradually from distance to near. Often this is compared to progressive lenses: in progressive lenses, the dioptric power gradually increases from distance to near; in contoured prism, the amount of prism gradually increases from distance to near. Presbyopes may benefit from both progressive lenses and lenses with contoured prism. Neurolenses can combine the gradual increase in dioptric power with the gradual increase in prism to provide both effects.</p>								</div>
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									<p>Dr. Barton told the story of a mother in her 30s who had experienced migraines and neck tension for at least 10 years. The mother’s headaches occurred five to seven days per week. She had tried a variety of treatments including chiropractic, massage, botox injections and antidepressants. The mother was fitted with contoured lenses. The mother reported to Dr. Barton that the night after wearing the Neurolenses was the first night she had gone to bed without neck pain in 10 years.</p><p>Neurolens completed a clinical trial of the effect of contoured prism on headache reduction in May 2022. Publications are not yet available on the National Library of Medicine website. Three third-party studies are in process at universities.</p><p style="text-align: right;">–KR</p><p> </p><p><span style="font-size: 13px;">Kai Rands is an optician involved in providing visual aids to those with low vision.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 13px;">Originally published in <em>20/20 Magazine</em>.</span></p>								</div>
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		<title>The New Collection of Colored Contact Lenses Designed for a “Timeless Gaze”</title>
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		<pubDate>Thu, 01 Feb 2024 09:42:50 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[2024 brings exciting developments for Qualimed, the manufacturer and licensor of the Desio brand, a leading company in the colored contact lens industry. At Mido 2024, Qualimed unveils the Timeless Collection, a new range of monthly colored contact lenses with 3 tones. The collection showcases an elegant metallic green packaging and includes four captivating colors: [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p><span style="font-size: 14px;">2024 brings exciting developments for Qualimed, the manufacturer and licensor of the Desio brand, a leading company in the colored contact lens industry. At Mido 2024, Qualimed unveils the Timeless Collection, a new range of monthly colored contact lenses with 3 tones. The collection showcases an elegant metallic green packaging and includes four captivating colors: Eternal Brown, Timeless Grey, Infinity Blue, and Forever Green.</span></p><p>What’s the story behind the creation of this new collection? Qualimed CEO, Tereza Uhrova, explains, “After analyzing the colors we already had in our range and considering the feedback from our customers worldwide, we decided to take on a new challenge: creating a ‘see-not see’ collection with unprecedented and original shades that stand out and captivate both opticians and end customers. I can say, with confidence, that the result has rewarded our efforts, and the Timeless Collection has all the potential to become a new Desio bestseller.</p><p>In this new collection, the four ‘basic’ colors (brown, blue, green, and grey) are presented in a more intriguing version. The new lens pattern has a honey-toned gradient around the pupil, enriched with delicate dark flecks inspired not only by the natural iris but also adding depth and charm to the gaze. It’s no coincidence that we chose to name it Timeless Collection: the colors are elegant, refined, and timeless, with intricate detailing that makes them realistic and suitable for casual wear on any occasion”.</p><p>Desio has always been synonymous with naturalness and comfort, just like the lenses in the new collection. Available in both plano and diopter correction versions (ranging from D-8.00 to +4.00 D), Eternal Brown, Timeless Grey, Infinity Blue, and Forever Green are made from a new-generation material obtained through the copolymerization of HEMA with Glycerol-methacrylate, Hioxifilcon D, characterized by 54% water content, ensuring maximum comfort during use and makes the lenses well-tolerated, particularly by individuals with sensitive and delicate eyes.</p><p>Tereza continues; “the Timeless Collection won’t be the only novelty in 2024. Throughout the year, we plan to enrich the 2-tone Attitude line in daily and quarterly versions with two new colors: Deep Brown and Bold Grey. These colors are darker than Delicious Honey and Rebel Grey, the two best-sellers from the 2-tone Attitude collection”.</p><p><strong>The New Colors </strong></p><p><strong>Eternal Brown:</strong> A warm, enveloping brown that adds intensity and charm to dark eyes. The three-tone design and subtle limbal ring provide depth to the gaze, ensuring a timeless effect.</p><p><strong>Timeless Grey:</strong> A sophisticated shade of dark grey that bestows timeless elegance to the eyes. The three-tone lens is enhanced by a subtle limbal ring for a magnetic gaze.</p><p><strong>Infinity Blue:</strong> Represents the new frontier of blue contact lenses. The dark blue shade with a delicate honey undertone adds a touch of mystery, while the limbal ring gives depth to the eyes and enhances their vastness.</p><p><strong>Forever Green:</strong> A natural dark green shade with a delicate central honey gradient, crafted to make the gaze unforgettable.</p><p><span style="font-size: 16px;">Desio will be at <strong>MIDO 2024</strong>, 3-5 February, <strong>Stand M24/M32 N23 N31. </strong>For more info, please visit Desio&#8217;s official website at <strong>www.desioeyes.it</strong>.</span></p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>100% Optical Announces Scavenger Hunt for Featuring Prizes Worth Over £2,600</title>
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		<pubDate>Mon, 29 Jan 2024 08:36:55 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[To celebrate a decade as Europe&#8217;s fastest-growing optical event, 100% Optical has announced a 10th anniversary prize scavenger hunt in collaboration with its exhibitors. The interactive challenge will take place during the exhibition from 24-26 February 2024 at the ExCeL London, and will see 10 lucky visitors to the show take away unique optical prize [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p dir="auto"><span style="font-size: 14px;">To celebrate a decade as Europe&#8217;s fastest-growing optical event, 100% Optical has announced a 10th anniversary prize scavenger hunt in collaboration with its exhibitors.</span></p><p dir="auto">The interactive challenge will take place during the exhibition from 24-26 February 2024 at the ExCeL London, and will see 10 lucky visitors to the show take away unique optical prize bundles, featuring an incredible selection of frames, sunglasses, spectacle case holders, gadgets and optical fashion accessories.</p><p dir="auto">Visitors will be invited to follow 10 clues, taking them to a series of locations around the UK&#8217;s largest optical event. Each riddle-like clue will pose an optical-themed question, along with instructions to go to a specific area. Visitors will need to crack the clue directing them to where they will find each letter, which, when unscrambled, will form a 10-letter word which visitors need to work out to enter the VIP prize draw.</p><p dir="auto">10 incredible prizes have been supplied by the following exhibitors:</p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong><span style="font-size: 14px;">1. Coti Vision Limited</span></strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">A top selling COTI Amore Italia Sole glasses chain, a stylish Italian COTI crossbody bag and the iconic COTI Hexatate sunglasses, made from eco-friendly material. Worth £236</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>2. Bird Sunglasses Ltd</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">Alba &#8211; a smaller glasses frame that packs a whole lot of style. The translucent bio-acetate is coloured with natural dyes and brings a soft intelligent look, subtle enough to blend in while also being interesting enough to stand out. Worth £250</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>3. Good Karma Eyewear</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">Sonos Move portable wireless multi-room speaker with Google Assistant and Alexa. Worth £399</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>4. Premier Vision</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">The MCGEE | HERON pick box including 25 of the latest frames embracing the latest trends and seasonal colours. Worth £375</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>5. Modstyle UK</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">An Australian care package featuring an AVANTI Sunglasses voucher, Cadbury&#8217;s Dairy Milk chocolate, packs of Tim Tam biscuits, a jar of Vegemite and a Koala plush toy. Worth £200</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>6. LocumBell</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">Elevate your style with a touch of luxury and a pair of exquisite Chanel Sunglasses. Worth £646</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>7. Marcolin UK Ltd</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">A Guess Le Femme bag featuring two chain shoulder straps, removable logo charms as well as a stylish zipped purse. Worth £135</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>8. Thea</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">A bespoke optical hamper featuring 20 top-selling Thea products. Worth over £268</p><p style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>9. Rayner</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">A Rayner eye surgery preparation hamper including, AEON eye drops &#8211; indicated for use before and after eye surgery as well as a selection of Rayner products and a Cadbury&#8217;s chocolate hamper. Worth over £250</p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;"><strong>10. Èyes Are The Story</strong></p><p dir="auto" style="padding-left: 40px;">A skincare essentials bundle which includes Eye Proof facial cleanser, Eye Proof facial serum and Eye Proof refreshing towelettes.Worth £95.</p><p dir="auto">The scavenger hunt will run across all three days of the exhibition; the winners of the prize bundles will be announced via the official 100% Optical social media channels after the show.</p><p dir="auto">Marlon Cera-Marle, 100% Optical show director, said &#8220;We&#8217;re really looking forward to bringing some fun and even more excitement to the show in honour of our 10th anniversary celebrations. The team at 100% Optical wanted to give back to the visitors that attend our exhibition every year and we&#8217;re chuffed to reveal the incredible prizes put forward by some of our loyal exhibitors. We hope that many of our visitors take part in the challenge while they spend time navigating the 100% Optical next month and with visitor registration numbers currently tracking ahead of 2023 &#8211; we&#8217;re confident this will be our best celebration of all things optical yet.&#8221;</p><p dir="auto">Celebrating a decade as the primary event for optometrists in the UK, 100% Optical 2024 is set to be the biggest yet attracting more than 10,000 optical professionals and eyewear enthusiasts from around the globe.</p><p dir="auto">Visitors can expect features including:</p><ul><li dir="auto">100% Ophthalmology &#8211; new for 2024, a co-located event for ophthalmic surgeons and their wider teams, with a tailored education programme and the latest equipment and instruments</li><li dir="auto">Live catwalk shows &#8211; over the three days, this fashion-orientated space will showcase the latest trends from exhibitors and their brands</li><li dir="auto">Future Practice Hub &#8211; sponsored by SpaMedica and Newmedica is dedicated to diagnostics, dispensing and clinical skills</li><li dir="auto">Dispensing Workshop &#8211; a space for visitors to experience making and fitting frames first- hand</li><li dir="auto">Optical Academy &#8211; sponsored by Sense Medical | Canon, this provides CPD accredited education targeted at the wider practice, from optical assistants to practice managers</li><li dir="auto">A world-class education programme &#8211; including over 100 hours of CPD sessions across 12 diverse hubs in collaboration with the AOP, the event&#8217;s long-standing education partner</li><li dir="auto">2024 Love Eyewear Awards &#8211; featuring 13 categories, the winners will be crowned on the first day of the show as well as an interactive social media filter created specially for the 10th anniversary exhibition</li><li dir="auto">The Studio &#8211; sponsored by Nikon Lenswear UK, a dedicated area to showcase a collection of the most inspirational worldwide brands featuring both independent and luxury eyewear</li></ul><p>For more information about the show &#8211; and to register for free, go to 100% Optical official website.</p><p dir="auto"> </p><p dir="auto"> </p>								</div>
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		<title>The Countdown to MIDO 2024 Has Begun</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[Milano – With just two weeks left before MIDO opens, the leading international eyewear show has reached its 52nd edition. Opticians, buyers, journalists and trade professionals from around the world will meet at Fieramilano Rho from February 3rd to 5th for an advance preview of the latest in eyewear trends, business and innovations. A highly [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>Milano – With just two weeks left before MIDO opens, the leading international eyewear show has reached its 52<sup>nd</sup> edition. Opticians, buyers, journalists and trade professionals from around the world will meet at Fieramilano Rho from February 3<sup>rd</sup> to 5<sup>th</sup> for an advance preview of the latest in eyewear trends, business and innovations.</p><p>A highly anticipated edition, unique to the international eyewear industry, to date, MIDO is already exceeding expectations: it will host approximately 1,200 exhibitors from around the world and the show will occupy seven pavilions at Fieramilano Rho, one more than last year.</p><p>Italy, Germany, France, UK, Spain, USA, Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea are just some of the nearly 45 countries represented by exhibitors displaying in the 8 show areas: Fashion District, hallowed halls of the big-name players; MIDO Tech, the largest international exhibit area focused on machines, raw materials and components; Lenses, featuring ophthalmic lenses; Design, realm of visionaries, and Design Tech, at the crossroads of design and technological innovation; Academy, incubator of creativity and invention; Start-up, reserved for smaller emerging businesses, and FAiR East, hosting Asian exhibitors who, after two years, are finally back to represent the entrepreneurial world of the Far East.</p><p>“<em>We have a huge responsibility, which we enthusiastically embrace every year, that of being a barometer of global eyewear performance,”</em> remarked MIDO President Giovanni Vitaloni. <em>Each year, we attract to Milano high-caliber buyers, distributors and trade professionals from around the world, thanks in part to the valuable partnership with ITA (Italian Trade Agency). Visitors from more than 130 countries will throng the Fieramilano Rho pavilions during the three days of the show, conducting business, building relationships and discussing the future of the industry, all elements that make a meaningful and, we hope, positive contribution to the performance of the optical and eyewear sectors throughout the year.”</em></p><p>MIDO is also continuing education, meetings and interactions that form a full calendar of workshops, seminars and meetings on a diverse array of topics, from the optical profession to creativity and trends, marketing to digitization, to sustainability and innovation.</p><p>Brand new this year are the MIDO MIDday Talks: every day at 12 noon, Future Concept Lab sociologist Francesco Morace will discuss beauty, design and passion with internationally renowned guests such as beauty expert and writer  Diego Dalla Palma, architects Mara Servetto and Ico Migliore, Chef and maître chocolatier Ernst Knam. The MIDday Talks will not end with the closing of the event but will continue throughout 2024.</p><p>Another new feature is the Market Insight section: in addition to trends with journalist Alessandra Albarello and Pantone&#8217;s VP Global Sales &amp; Marketing Francesco Tomasello on Saturday 3 February at 2 p.m., there will also be a presentation of the research &#8220;Purchase Drivers for Sunglasses and prescription glasses  and the Role of Made in: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, USA and China&#8217; by Yoodata. The appointment is on Sunday 4 February at 11 a.m.</p><p>Also not to be forgotten is the cycle of HOW TO? meetings, designed for the more practical and daily activities of opticians&#8217; centres, which will be back again this year with new topics: communication and digital marketing will be discussed with Silvia Butta Calice, Founder&amp;CEO of Orbita Milano, fashion and trends with fashion journalist and essayist Antonio Mancinelli, and storytelling with writer Paolo Ferrarini.</p><p>Other appointments on the calendar include the presentation on Saturday 3 February at 10.30 a.m. of the first results of the programme in support of female leadership in the eyewear industry Empowering Optical Women Leadership, brought forward  with ANFAO and the Bellisario Foundation, while on Sunday 4 at 2 p.m. it will be the turn of the launch of the product certification programme CSE &#8211; Certified Sustainable Eyewear, set up  by ANFAO in collaboration with Certottica and aimed at encouraging the entire sector towards a sustainable transition.</p><p>All events will take place in the OTTICLUB area, as of this year located in Pavilion 1. The complete schedule of events will soon be available on the official website: <a href="https://www.mido.com/en/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.mido.com/en/</a>.</p><p>MIDO exhibitors and visitors are also actively engaged in the awards process. Winners will be announced on Sunday, February 4 at 3 pm in the OTTICLUB area for the following: BeStore Design and Innovation, six awards for the same number of categories in the Certified Sustainable Eyewear (CSE) Award for sustainability in the production of eyewear, frames and cases, and the Stand Up For Green award for the stand with the least environmental impact.</p><p>Alongside the fair in person, MIDO is also online with the Digital Edition (already available to exhibitors, it will be open to visitors from 25 January), as well as being on all the main social platforms. The site also features reserved areas dedicated to visitors, exhibitors, press and digital communicators.</p><p>MIDO is held at Fieramilano Rho (Strada Statale del Sempione 28) from Saturday 3<sup>rd</sup> to Monday 5<sup>th</sup> February with the following hours: Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 7 pm and Monday 9 am to 6 pm.</p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>Silmo Istanbul 2023 Highlights</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[SILMO Istanbul, first held in 2013, confirms its leading position and continues its expansion throughout Turkey as well as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa. More than 500 exhibitors and brands gathered to create a large-scale event, assembling the entire Turkish optical and eyewear industry alongside the major international corporations. For these [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>SILMO Istanbul, first held in 2013, confirms its leading position and continues its expansion throughout Turkey as well as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa.</p><p>More<strong> than 500 exhibitors and brands</strong> gathered to create a large-scale event, assembling the entire Turkish optical and eyewear industry alongside the major international corporations. For these four dynamic days of synergies, innovation, and conviviality, a record total of <strong>13,385 visitors (+13% versus 2022)</strong> – including 80% from Turkey and 20% from abroad, hailing from no fewer than <strong>93 countries</strong> – came to explore the SILMO Istanbul experience and to discover a range of solutions adapted to their needs.</p><p>To guide and inspire professionals, SILMO Istanbul established its <strong>Trend Forum</strong>, a space showcasing the principal trends through a thematic selection of optical and sunglasses frames from exhibitors attending the trade fair. The hands-on <strong>Futurology </strong>area was not to be missed, allowing visitors to test smart products, discover new innovations in virtual reality, and experiment with a ground-breaking approach to sustainable production. Training was highlighted with <strong>SILMO Academy</strong>, a space dedicated to lectures providing insight into the significant challenges and developments facing the sector. Professionals and students enjoyed this opportunity to enrich their knowledge and deepen their awareness of the industry.</p><p>And to celebrate its 10<sup>th</sup> year of existence, SILMO Istanbul inaugurated the <strong>SILMO Istanbul Awards</strong>, presented to leaders of the Turkish optical industry in recognition of their exceptional contribution and continued commitment to excellence in the sector.</p><p><strong><u>THE CATEGORIES &amp; WINNERS</u></strong><strong>:</strong></p><ul><li><strong><u>TURKISH BRAND MAKING A DIFFERENCE</u></strong></li></ul><p>SAUREN by ETILER OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>EXPOSURE OF AN INTERNATIONAL BRAND</u></strong></li></ul><p><em>This category is reserved to international brands represented in Turkey by a Turkish company</em></p><p>SILHOUETTE by SER OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION – SUNGLASSES</u></strong></li></ul><p>SWING by PRESTIJ OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION &#8211; OPTICAL FRAMES</u></strong></li></ul><p>MOOSHU by GÜLCE OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION &#8211; LENSES</u></strong></li></ul><p>NOVAX OPTICAL LENSES by BETA OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BOOTH </u></strong></li></ul><p><em>Best booth of the 2023 SILMO Istanbul event</em></p><p>CEMFA OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>OPTICAL STORE</u></strong></li></ul><p><em>This prestigious special prize aims to promote exemplary professionalism, to encourage excellence among companies and services in the sector, and to foster development.</em></p><p>EMGEN OPTIK</p><p><strong>SILMO Istanbul 2024 will take place from 20 to 23 November.</strong></p>								</div>
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		<title>Johnson &#038; Johnson Partners with Captain Jason to Share his ACUVUE Contact Lens Journey</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[After a well-publicized struggle with his contact lenses, Captain Jason Chambers may have figured out how to put on his new ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses. Johnson &#38; Johnson announced a partnership with one of the world’s most talked about boat captains, Captain Jason Chambers to share his ACUVUE contact lens journey with [&#8230;]]]></description>
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<div class="field field--name-field-release-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden press-release__date field__item"><i>After a well-publicized struggle with his contact lenses, Captain Jason Chambers may have figured out how to put on his new ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses.</i></div><div class="field field--name-field-release-date field--type-datetime field--label-hidden press-release__date field__item"><i><br></i></div>
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<p>Johnson &amp; Johnson announced a partnership with one of the world’s most talked about boat captains, Captain Jason Chambers to share his ACUVUE contact lens journey with his social followers. Known not only for his superb skills as a yacht captain, but also for his previous struggles with putting on his contact lenses, Jason recently was fitted with new&nbsp;<a href="https://www.acuvue.com/oasys-max" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day</a>&nbsp;Multifocal contact lenses and received tips from Dr. Danielle Richardson on contact lens wear. Jason will document his contact lens journey on his social media channels, sharing his personal experiences with the lenses, and updates on if he’s finally able to put them on himself.</p>
<p><b>Captain Jason’s Contact Lens-Wearing Journey:&nbsp;</b>Captain Jason recently encountered vision issues that have impacted his responsibilities on the boat and overall quality of life, often known as presbyopia:</p>
<li>Captain Jason found himself suddenly experiencing vision issues and was prescribed glasses. Due to the nature of his career as a ship captain, he found that he was leaving his glasses all over the boat and constantly forgetting them, so he switched to contact lenses.</li>
<li>He then experienced persistent contact lens wearing issues and struggled daily to put on his contact lenses &#8211; so much so, that he often relied on his Chief Stew to help put on his contact lenses<i>.</i></li>
<li>At the end of 2023, Captain Jason met with Dr. Richardson from Zak Optometry in Los Angeles who fit him with the newest ACUVUE contact lenses, ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Multifocal, and taught him the proper way to put on his contact lenses.</li>
<p><b>Jason’s</b><b>&nbsp;</b><b>Content:&nbsp;</b>On his social media channels, Jason will share tips he’s learned from the experts about how to properly put on and wear contact lenses, information about his new ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses, his personal experience wearing the new lenses, and the importance of annual vision care appointments for people of all ages. His journey with ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Multifocal contact lenses will also be featured in the Vision Made Possible campaign from Johnson &amp; Johnson Vision.</p>
<p>Follow his journey on&nbsp;<a class="external-link" href="https://www.instagram.com/captainjchambers/?hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@captainjchambers</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a class="external-link" href="https://www.instagram.com/acuvue/?hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener">@acuvue</a>&nbsp;Instagram channels and learn more about ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day contact lenses at&nbsp;<a href="http://www.acuvue.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">www.acuvue.com</a>.</p>
<p><b>Important information</b><b>&nbsp;</b><b>for</b><b>&nbsp;</b><b>contact</b><b>&nbsp;</b><b>lens</b><b>&nbsp;</b><b>wearers:&nbsp;</b>ACUVUE Contact Lenses are available by prescription only for vision correction. An eye care professional will determine whether contact lenses are right for you. Although rare, serious eye problems can develop while wearing contact lenses. To help avoid these problems, follow the wear and replacement schedule and the lens care instructions provided by your eye doctor. Do not wear contact lenses if you have an eye infection, or experience eye discomfort, excessive tearing, vision changes, redness or other eye problems. If one of these conditions occurs, remove the lens and contact your eye doctor immediately. For more information on proper wear, care and safety, talk to your eye care professional, call 1- 800-843-2020, or download the&nbsp;<a href="https://www.acuvue.com/en-us/patient-instruction-guides" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Patient Instruction Guides</a>.</p>
<p><b>About Vision at Johnson &amp; Johnson</b></p>
<p>Johnson &amp; Johnson has a deep legacy in developing transformational new products that improve the health of patients’ eyes. As a global leader in eye-health, we have a bold ambition: Vision Made Possible – and are eye health to support the full spectrum of pediatric, developed and mature eyes. Through cutting-edge innovation, scientific expertise, and advanced technologies, we are revolutionizing the way people see and experience the world. At every step of the eye health journey – from investigational gene therapies for retinal diseases to contact lenses and refractive and cataract surgical solutions – we stand as a trusted partner with the goal of making vision possible for customers and patients.</p>
<p><b>About Johnson &amp; Johnson MedTech</b></p>
<p>At Johnson &amp; Johnson MedTech, we unleash diverse healthcare expertise, purposeful technology, and a passion for people to transform the future of medical intervention and empower everyone to live their best life possible. For more than a century, we have driven breakthrough scientific innovation to address unmet needs and reimagine health. In surgery, orthopaedics, vision, and interventional solutions, we continue to help save lives and create a future where healthcare solutions are smarter, less invasive, and more personalized. For more information, visit</p>
<p>&nbsp;<a class="external-link" href="https://thenext.jnjmedtech.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://thenext.jnjmedtech.com/</a>.</p>
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		<title>Video-to-Sound Tech Allows Blind People to Recognize Faces</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[By Loz Blain Neuroscientists have shown that blind people recognize basic faces using the same brain regions as sighted people – even if the face shapes are delivered as audio rather than through the visual cortex – in an interesting look into neuroplasticity. The ability to recognize faces is deeply ingrained in humans – as well [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p><strong>By </strong><strong>Loz Blain</strong></p><p>Neuroscientists have shown that blind people recognize basic faces using the same brain regions as sighted people – even if the face shapes are delivered as audio rather than through the visual cortex – in an interesting look into neuroplasticity.</p><p>The ability to recognize faces is deeply ingrained in humans – as well as some of our distant, socially oriented primate cousins. Indeed, there appear to be regions in the brain – notably, a spot at the lower back of the brain in the inferior temporal cortex called the fusiform face area, or FFA – which light up specifically when we see faces.</p><p>Interestingly, the FFA was also found in a 2009 study to activate even when people see things that look a bit like faces – so it&#8217;s involved in the phenomenon of pareidolia, when we see faces in inanimate objects. The same area also starts to activate when people start developing expertise in a particular area, apparently helping car nuts tell different models apart by sight, for example, or helping chess experts recognize a familiar configuration on the board.</p><p>Remarkably, the FFA is also responsive in people who have been blind from birth; MIT research in 2020 placed blind people in an fMRI scanner and had them feel a variety of 3D-printed shapes including faces, hands, chairs and mazes, and found that touching these small faces activated the FFA in a similar way.</p>								</div>
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										<img decoding="async" width="1500" height="1113" src="https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img2.png" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048 wp-image-11358" alt="" srcset="https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img2.png 1500w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img2-768x570.png 768w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img2-600x445.png 600w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img2-67x50.png 67w" sizes="(max-width: 1500px) 100vw, 1500px" />											<figcaption class="widget-image-caption wp-caption-text">Visual activation of the fusiform face area in subjects viewing schematic faces. Georgetown University</figcaption>
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									<p>So it seems the FFA doesn&#8217;t care, in some sense, which sensory system is feeding it face-related information – and new research from a neuroscience team at Georgetown University Medical Center adds evidence to this hypothesis.</p><p>The team recruited six blind and 10 sighted subjects, and started training them with a &#8220;sensory substitution device.&#8221; This involves a head-mounted video camera, blindfold eyepieces, a set of headphones and a processing computer, which would take input from the video camera and translate it into audio, breaking the field of view up into a 64-pixel grid, and giving each pixel its own auditory pitch.</p><p>These pitches were also presented in a stereo soundstage, such that, according to the research paper, &#8220;if the image is just a dot located in the superior right corner of the field of view of the camera, the related sound will be of high frequency and delivered mainly through the right headphone. If the dot is located in the top middle of the field of view, the sound will be a high frequency tone, but delivered through the right and left headphones at equal volume. If the image is a line at the bottom left corner, the associated sound will be a mixture of low frequencies delivered mainly through the left headphone.&#8221;</p><p>The subjects spent 10 one-hour sessions training with these devices, learning to &#8220;see&#8221; with their ears, while moving their heads around. Cards would be presented with simple shapes; horizontal and vertical lines, different-shaped houses, geometric shapes, and basic, emoji-style happy and sad faces. It was a fairly difficult training process, but by the end of it, all subjects were recognizing simple shapes at greater than 85% accuracy.</p>								</div>
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										<img loading="lazy" decoding="async" width="1500" height="1113" src="https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img3.png" class="attachment-2048x2048 size-2048x2048 wp-image-11360" alt="" srcset="https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img3.png 1500w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img3-768x570.png 768w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img3-600x445.png 600w, https://eyezoneinternational.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/img3-67x50.png 67w" sizes="(max-width: 1500px) 100vw, 1500px" />											<figcaption class="widget-image-caption wp-caption-text">The sensory substitution devices had a resolution of just 64 pixels. At the lower right are some of the shapes shown to the subjects. Georgetown University</figcaption>
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									<p>When put through shape recognition testing in an fMRI machine, both the sighted and blind subjects showed activation of the FFA when a basic face shape was presented. Some blind participants were also able to correctly identify whether the face was a happy or sad face – as you can hear in a <a href="https://osf.io/ew3jx" target="_blank" rel="noopener">45-second audio clip from the study</a>, which will also give you an idea what the device sounds like.</p><p>“Our results from people who are blind implies that fusiform face area development does not depend on experience with actual visual faces but on exposure to the geometry of facial configurations, which can be conveyed by other sensory modalities,” says Josef Rauschecker, PhD, DSc, professor of Neuroscience and senior author on the study, in a press release.</p><p>The team also identified that sighted subjects experienced activation mostly in the right fusiform face area, while blind subjects experienced activation in the left FFA.</p><p>&#8220;We believe the left/right difference between people who are and aren’t blind may have to do with how the left and right sides of the fusiform area processes faces – either as connected patterns or as separate parts, which may be an important clue in helping us refine our sensory substitution device,&#8221; says Rauschecker.</p><p>The team wants to continue experiments, potentially developing a higher-resolution sensory substitution device that could eventually allow highly-trained subjects to recognize actual human faces.</p><p>Mind you, image-to-sound translation devices like this are unlikely to be much help in a practical sense – partially because of how much training they require, and partially because blind people already rely heavily on their hearing, and are unlikely to want additional bleeps and bloops messing up their perception of the world.</p><p>Not to mention, with the rise of deep learning multimodal AI, there are already systems that allow GPT-style language models to look at images or video and describe what&#8217;s going on in whatever level of detail you prefer. This kind of natural-language narration could prove much easier to implement, to use and to tailor to a person&#8217;s needs than a direct video-to-audio feed.</p><p>Still, it&#8217;s pretty fascinating stuff, and it shows just how deeply the old two-eyes-and-a-mouth shape is buried in our hardware, and the importance these shapes have to us as social animals.</p><p> </p><p><span style="font-size: 13px;"><em>Originally published in New Atlas.</em></span></p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>Effective Treatment for Rare Sight-Threatening Infection</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[A drug candidate, based on pioneering UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital research and currently under development by SIFI S.p.A., has been found to be highly effective in treating a rare sight-threatening eye infection in a new international clinical trial. The findings, published in Ophthalmology, describe the efficacy and safety of the first drug candidate for the [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>A drug candidate, based on pioneering UCL and Moorfields Eye Hospital research and currently under development by SIFI S.p.A., has been found to be highly effective in treating a rare sight-threatening eye infection in a new international clinical trial.</p><p>The findings, published in <em>Ophthalmology</em>, describe the efficacy and safety of the first drug candidate for the treatment of <em>Acanthamoeba</em> keratitis (AK), applying a novel and evidence-based treatment protocol.</p><p>AK is one type of microbial keratitis (corneal infection) &#8212; a condition that results in inflammation of the cornea (the eye&#8217;s clear protective outer layer). AK can cause extreme levels of pain as well as light sensitivity.</p><p>AK is relatively uncommon, affecting about one in 37,000 contact lens wearers per year in the UK, but it is responsible for about half the cases of sight loss in this group. Contact lens wearers face an increased risk of the disease; a UCL and Moorfields team recently found that people who wear reusable contact lenses face nearly four times the risk of those wearing daily disposables, while showering with lenses in and wearing lenses overnight also each raised the risk by more than threefold.</p><p>The treatment being studied, low concentration polihexanide (PHMB 0.02%), was first compounded and used in the 1990s to treat AK, introduced by a team co-led by this latest study&#8217;s lead author, Professor John Dart, and is widely recommended as a treatment for AK, but it is not a licensed drug, and treatment outcomes have been variable.</p><p>Professor John Dart (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology and Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust) said: &#8220;<em>Acanthamoeba </em>keratitis in contact lens users can be prevented by following safe use advice: do use daily disposables if possible, wash and dry hands before handling lenses, maintain good lens and lens case hygiene, and don&#8217;tuse them when bathing swimming or showering, or use goggles and renew the lens after use, don&#8217;t wear them overnight, and don&#8217;t use them every day.</p><p>&#8220;Unfortunately, when the disease does develop the course is prolonged and, in the recent past, one third of patients have had poor visual outcomes with one quarter requiring surgery at some stage.</p><p>&#8220;PHMB 0.02% is an effective and widely recommended unlicensed therapy, but many clinicians have trouble accessing it, mistakes in formulation can sometimes lead to poor results, and the lack of a proven treatment protocol has resulted in wide variations in how the drug is used and in treatment outcomes. We hope that our new robust findings with polihexanide 0.08% will be a game changer for AK treatment, by improving access and the consistency of treatment, addressing currently unmet patient needs.&#8221;</p><p>The Phase 3 randomised controlled double blind clinical trial followed a Phase 1 trial in healthy volunteers which showed that a significantly higher concentration (0.08%) of polihexanide was safe to use. The Phase 3 trial was run in accordance with European Medicines Agency scientific advice and compared the efficacy and safety of a high concentration of polihexanide (0.08%) as a monotherapy to a widely used dual therapy, combining a lower dose of PHMB (0.02%) with propamidine. All trials were sponsored and funded by Italian pharmaceutical company SIFI, with partial co-funding by the European Commission.</p><p>The study involved the analysis of 127 people being treated for AK at six hospitals across Europe (in England, Italy and Poland).</p><p>The researchers found both formulations to be highly effective when used with the detailed drug delivery protocol, with medical cure rates of 110/127 (87%) overall and for each treatment individually, meaning 87% of people were cured of AK without needing surgery, one of the highest ever reported for AK. The treatment failure rate was 17/127 (13.4%), nearly half of whom required therapeutic corneal transplant surgery. The overall transplant surgery rate of 8/127 (6.3%) is one of the lowest reported in any case series of AK.</p><p>The researchers say that the widely recommended dual therapy was more effective than usual in this trial because clinicians were strictly following a set treatment protocol. In addition, the new monotherapy has advantages over dual therapy, as the simplicity reduces the risk of errors in practice.</p><p>Dr Vincenzo Papa (Head of Scientific Affairs at SIFI) and co-author of the study said: &#8220;This publication in <em>Ophthalmology</em>, the leading peer-reviewed journal in our field, further encourages our continued efforts to make polihexanide 0.08% (Akantior®) available to patients with AK, as the first approved orphan medicinal product. Given the extreme burden of the disease and the high unmet medical need, we are proud of the high efficacy outcomes in the robust setting that the trial created, especially when compared with the efficacy rates of 60% reported with the current best treatment.&#8221;</p><p>Based on the comprehensive quality, preclinical and clinical data package generated over 15 years of research, SIFI is now seeking regulatory approvals for polihexanide 0.08% in Europe, the UK and the US.</p><p>Juliette Vila Sinclair Spence, Rare Disease Patient Advocate &amp; Chairwoman, Acanthamoeba Keratitis Eye Foundation, commented: &#8220;Exciting news! AK Warriors (aka patients) are now one step closer to receiving the first-ever product with a standardised protocol for <em>Acanthamoeba</em> keratitis. This is starting to bring light to the end of the tunnel.&#8221;</p><p><strong>More about <em>Acanthamoeba</em> keratitis</strong></p><p>AK causes the front surface of the eye, the cornea, to become painful and inflamed, due to infection by <em>Acanthamoeba</em>, a cyst-forming microorganism. The most severely affected patients (a quarter of the total) end up with less than 25% of vision or become blind following the disease and face prolonged treatment. Overall, 25% of people affected require corneal transplants to treat the disease or restore vision.</p><p>Contact lens use is now the leading cause of microbial keratitis in patients with otherwise healthy eyes in countries in the global north. Sight loss resulting from microbial keratitis is uncommon but <em>Acanthamoeba</em>, although a rare cause, is one of the most severe and is responsible for about half of those contact lens users who develop sight loss after keratitis. 90% of AK cases are associated with avoidable risks. In recent years a UCL and Moorfields team found AK to be on the rise in South-East England.</p><p>Furthermore, AK is also increasing in prevalence in some part of the global south, including parts of India, where the leading risk factor is agriculture associated corneal trauma. The findings reported here are also relevant to these populations.</p><p><strong>Journal Reference</strong>:</p><ol class="journal"><li>John K.G. Dart, Vincenzo Papa, Paolo Rama, Karl Anders Knutsson, Saj Ahmad, Scott Hau, Sara Sanchez, Antonella Franch, Federica Birattari, Pia Leon, Adriano Fasolo, Ewa Mrukwa Kominek, Katarzyna Jadczyk-Sorek, Fiona Carley, Parwez Hossain, Darwin C. Minassian. <strong>The Orphan Drug for Acanthamoeba Keratitis (ODAK) trial: PHMB (polihexanide) 0.08% and placebo versus PHMB 0.02% and propamidine 0.1%</strong>. <em>Ophthalmology</em>, 2023; DOI: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ophtha.2023.09.031" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">10.1016/j.ophtha.2023.09.031</a></li></ol>								</div>
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