Biomarkers Reveal How Patients with Glaucoma May Respond to Treatment

Markers in the blood that predict whether glaucoma patients are at higher risk of continued loss of vision following conventional treatment have been identified by researchers.

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Read more about the article Cycloplegic Refraction in Children
Children are eager to please and they may try too hard to give the ‘correct’ answers during refraction; this can result in an inaccurate spectacle prescription. PAKISTAN © Shaffaq Bajwa CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Cycloplegic Refraction in Children

Cycloplegic refraction makes it possible to accurately measure a child’s refractive error and provide appropriate correction.

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Read more about the article Supplements Slow Disease Progression During Late Stage of ‘Dry’ AMD
Image: shvetsa | pexels

Supplements Slow Disease Progression During Late Stage of ‘Dry’ AMD

Researchers have found that taking a daily supplement containing antioxidant vitamins and minerals slows progression of late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

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Scientists Identify New Treatment Target for Leading Cause of Blindness

Scientists report that a gene could be key to understanding why many people don't benefit from the most used therapy for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness.

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Breakthrough Paves the Way For Next Generation of Vision Implants

A group of researchers have created an exceptionally small implant, with electrodes the size of a single neuron that can also remain intact in the body over time.

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Study: Artificial Intelligence as Good as Top Experts at Detecting Eye Diseases

The breakthrough research describes how machine learning technology has been successfully trained on thousands of historic de-personalised eye scans to identify features of eye disease and recommend how patients should be referred for care.

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Healing Eyes with Contact Lenses

A cross-disciplinary University of Waterloo team has developed a new contact lens material that could act as a bandage for corneal wounds while releasing drugs in a controlled manner to…

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