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		<title>Researchers Use AI to Help People See More Clearly</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[A serious, irreversible eye disease known as myopic maculopathy is on the rise.]]></description>
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									<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is on the rise, especially among children. Experts predict that by the year 2050, myopia will affect approximately 50% of the world&#8217;s population. Researchers believe that an increase in what&#8217;s called &#8220;near work&#8221; when we interact with close objects like phones and screens is partially to blame.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For many people, the struggle to see faraway objects is a problem easily managed with glasses or contacts, but for others this develops into a far more serious condition called myopic maculopathy.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">A team of researchers in the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence at Arizona State University, is developing new diagnostic tools that use the power of artificial intelligence, or AI, to more effectively screen for this disease. They have recently published the results of their work in the peer-reviewed research journal </span><i><span style="font-weight: 400;">JAMA Ophthalmology.</span></i></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Myopic maculopathy occurs when the part of the eye that helps us see straight ahead in sharp detail is stretched and damaged. Over time, the eye&#8217;s shape becomes elongated &#8212; more like a football and less like a sphere. When this happens, vision is distorted.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This serious condition is the leading cause of severe vision loss or blindness. In 2015, myopic maculopathy resulted in visual impairment in 10 million people. Unless things change, more than 55 million people are predicted to have vision loss and approximately 18 million people worldwide will be blind due to the disease by 2050.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Because myopic maculopathy is irreversible, experts want to intervene early. Catching the condition as soon as possible can improve health outcomes, a particularly urgent goal when children are concerned. Ophthalmologists can prescribe special contact lenses or eye drops that slow the progression of the disease.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Yalin Wang, a Fulton Schools professor of computer science and engineering, says innovations in technology can provide important solutions.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;AI is ushering in a revolution that leverages global knowledge to improve diagnosis accuracy, especially in its earliest stage of the disease,&#8221; he says. &#8220;These advancements will reduce medical costs and improve the quality of life for entire societies.&#8221;</span></p><p><b>A Challenge to See Things in a New Way</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In response to this need, the Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, or MICCAI, Society issued a challenge in 2023. The professional organization that seeks to drive innovation in biomedical research asked experts to improve computer-aided screening systems for retinal images.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Currently, myopic maculopathy is diagnosed using optical coherence tomography scans that use reflected light to create pictures of the back of the eye. These scans are then often manually inspected by an ophthalmologist, a time-consuming process that can require specialized experience.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Wang and his team in the Geometry Systems Laboratory answered the call. The researchers were one of the winners of the MICCAI challenge.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">For the first part of the work, Wang and his team, which includes computer engineering doctoral student Wenhui Zhu as well as neurologist and Fulton Schools adjunct faculty member Dr. Oana Dumitrascu, addressed the classification of myopic maculopathy. The disease has five classifications that describe its severity. Determining the correct level helps ophthalmologists to provide more tailored, effective solutions to the patient.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Fulton Schools researchers created new AI algorithms called NN-MobileNet. These sets of instructions that computer programs follow to do their work are designed to help software more effectively scan retinal images and predict the correct classification of the myopic maculopathy.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Next, the team turned their attention to efforts in the scientific community to use a type of AI called deep neural networks to predict the spherical equivalent in retinal scans. The spherical equivalent is an estimate of the eye&#8217;s refractive error that doctors need when prescribing glasses or contacts. In deep neural networks, researchers task computers with analyzing huge sets of data and apply AI-powered algorithms to draw helpful conclusions.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">With a more accurate measure of the spherical equivalent, doctors can make more accurate treatment recommendations. Wang and the team again developed new algorithms that focused on data quality and relevance. Their new model of retinal image analysis achieved exceptional results while minimizing the amount of computing power needed. The results of this research were also published in JAMA Ophthalmology.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Finally, Wang collaborated with other winning teams from the MICCAI challenge on a third research paper, published in JAMA Ophthalmology in September, that presented their collected results. The researchers from universities around the world made their challenge findings available to stimulate additional advancements and discoveries in the early and effective diagnosis of myopic maculopathy and improving health care outcomes for people across the globe.</span></p><p><b>A Better Vision For Global Health</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Wang explains that one motivating force behind his work is to solve health disparities.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;People living in rural areas find it difficult to access sophisticated imaging devices and see physicians,&#8221; he says. &#8220;Once AI-powered technology becomes available, it will significantly improve the quality of life in worldwide populations, including those who live in developing countries.&#8221;</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Ross Maciejewski, director of the School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, says Wang&#8217;s project is an important example of the excellent work being done by faculty members in the medical space.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;With both myopia and myopic maculopathy increasing, solutions are needed to prevent vision loss and help health care professionals provide the best treatment options for their patients,&#8221; Maciejewski says. &#8220;Yalin Wang&#8217;s innovative research is a principled use of artificial intelligence to address this dire medical issue.&#8221;</span></p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>Innovative Eyewear Launches First-Ever Generative AI Eyewear Fashion Show</title>
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		<pubDate>Wed, 20 Nov 2024 13:27:00 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[In a bold fusion of fashion and technology, the generative AI fashion show exhibits emerging technology to create ultra-realistic models, ushering in what we believe will be a new era for product marketing and immersive visual storytelling. Each virtual model is wearing an actual pair of Lucyd glasses, seamlessly integrated into an entirely AI-generated runway sequence.
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									<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">MIAMI, Oct. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ &#8212; Innovative Eyewear (NASDAQ: LUCY; LUCYW), the developer of ChatGPT-enabled smart eyewear under the Lucyd®, Nautica®, Eddie Bauer®, and Reebok® brands, today announced the launch of the first generative AI fashion show for eyewear. In this striking digital performance, AI-generated models flaunt the latest real smart eyewear collections from Lucyd, including its collaborative collections with Reebok, Nautica and Eddie Bauer.</span></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">In a bold fusion of fashion and technology, the generative AI fashion show exhibits emerging technology to create ultra-realistic models, ushering in what we believe will be a new era for product marketing and immersive visual storytelling. Each virtual model is wearing an actual pair of Lucyd glasses, seamlessly integrated into an entirely AI-generated runway sequence.</span></p><p><b>A New Era of Fashion Presentation</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">&#8220;We believe AI models are the future of product photography and marketing, and are an exciting leap forward in digital advertising,&#8221; said Harrison Gross, CEO and cofounder of Lucyd. &#8220;With this technology, we can break free from content creation constraints and create vibrant, interactive experiences with impressive detail that captivate audiences while slashing production costs and timelines. To bring the point home, a video using practical effects and real models would have easily cost 20</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">x</span><span style="font-weight: 400;"> more than the creation of this digital event, and the final product would perhaps not be as exciting and unique as our first AI runway. This piece follows our longstanding mission to incorporate powerful emerging technologies into our smart eyewear offering, wherever it can support a more engaging user experience.&#8221;</span></p><p><b>About Innovative Eyewear Inc.</b></p><p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Innovative Eyewear is a developer and retailer of ChatGPT smart eyewear, under the Lucyd®, Nautica®, Eddie Bauer® and Reebok® brands. True to our mission to Upgrade Your Eyewear®, our Bluetooth smart glasses allow users to stay safely and ergonomically connected to their digital lives, and are offered in hundreds of frame and lens combinations to meet the needs of the optical market. </span></p>								</div>
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		<title>The 35th Moscow International Optical Fair (MIOF) is Around the Corner</title>
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									<p><strong>The 35th Moscow International Optical Fair (MIOF) is Around the Corner</strong></p><p>Moscow International Optical Fair (MIOF), one of the most significant events of the Russian spectacle optics market, will be held 10-12 September at Crocus Expo.</p><p>MIOF is a unique event for the eyewear and eyecare national optical market, allowing industry players to profitably present their products within three days, find new customers and conclude long-term contracts, meet with colleagues and partners.</p><p>The exposition of the fair features all areas of the optical industry development: design trends in the production of glasses and frames, new optical collections, diagnostic equipment, trade equipment and software for optical salons, accessories for glasses, services.</p><p>MIOF exhibitors are preparing to surprise guests with stylish novelties, exclusive models and other developments of spectacle optics, which will be available to see only within the frames of the upcoming event.</p><p>MIOF will be held in September for the 35th anniversary time. The event over the years of its history achieved the status of the flagship of the optical industry and the leading national platform for incorporation of all players of the spectacle optics market. This is the unconditional and undoubted merit of everyone who is somehow involved in MIOF holding &#8211; exhibitors, organizers, guests and partners of the exhibition.</p><p>‌</p><p>Image source: Крылов Иван | Wikimedia</p>								</div>
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		<title>SILMO 2024: The Momentum of the Present and Future</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[The 2024 SILMO Paris trade fair is getting ready to welcome all of the players from the optics sector with more than 900 exhibitors participating in the event and 1,500 brands from 144 countries throughout the world on hand to showcase their offers. ]]></description>
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									<p>The 2024 SILMO Paris trade fair is getting ready to welcome all of the players from the optics sector with more than 900 exhibitors participating in the event and 1,500 brands from 144 countries throughout the world on hand to showcase their offers. This key event will take place at a 75,000 m² venue (Halls 6 &amp; 7), offering a top-tier platform for an in-depth look at the latest technological developments, product innovations and trends that are shaping the future of the optics industry on a global scale.</p><p>The success of SILMO Paris resides in the extent and depth of its offer, which covers all components of the sector: eyewear, lenses, machines, point of sale layouts and stands, retail chains and central purchasing groups, training, etc. As an international crossroads for business, the trade fair also owes its success to the many tools for review and analysis as well as the unique spaces for exchanging ideas to better envision the future of the optics-eyewear industry, grouped together under the banner of SILMO NEXT. This concept explains the trade fair&#8217;s intention to be at the cutting edge of the aesthetic and technological challenges of a sector firmly focused on the future.</p><p>Eric Lenoir, Director of the SILMO trade fairs,<span lang="EN-GB"> underscores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on the optics industry: <em>“From smart, AI-equipped eyeglass design to revolutionary tools for opticians, the possibilities are wide reaching. Imagine eyewear that can instantly translate a language through an integrated camera or mechanisms that pre-emptively detect serious health issues such as heart attacks or Parkinson&#8217;s disease. This rapid development requires the rapid adaptation of professionals because without adequate training, AI could potentially replace traditional opticians.</em></span></p><p><em>At the same time, the emergence of technologies such as in-shop 3D printing are redefining eyewear fabrication with increased automation, thus reducing the impact on the environment. This transformation will enable opticians to focus on high added-value services, becoming genuine consultants for visual comfort and preventive healthcare, even integrating functions such as audio technology and fall prevention.</em></p><p><em>In this constantly developing landscape, it is vital for opticians to get a firm grasp on these changes so they can remain relevant and successful. In fact, Meta announced that connected glasses will replace smartphones in several years, transforming the optician&#8217;s traditional role. To remain essential players,</em><em> professionals must reinvent the shop experience, re-centring the offer on customer service and innovation, while reworking the economic model in order to stay competitive in the coming decade.”</em></p><p>2024 SILMO PARIS continues to highlight its intention to remain at the fore of the aesthetic and technological challenges of an industry looking ahead into the future. From 20 to 23 September, the fair’s different dedicated spaces will offer the chance to discover the optics-eyewear industry of the future, reflecting this ambition to continually stay one step ahead.</p><p><strong> </strong><strong>FUTUROLOGY</strong></p><p><strong>Optics In 2035</strong></p><p>Set up on different complementary areas, the FUTUROLOGY space invites visitors to take an immersive dive into the future of optics with exciting prospects for 2025 through 2035. Technological innovations and interactive experiences show the sector’s different future paths that visitors can discover as a range of test benches.</p><ol><li><strong> The Shop/Workshop of Tomorrow</strong></li></ol><p>The physical and virtual worlds now join together to explore new approaches in the design of points of sale with the aim of making the customer path more streamlined and intuitive.</p><p><strong>Digital Experience</strong>: this space is for learning about how mobile technologies and AI are transforming traditional visual tests.</p><p><strong>Vision Test &amp; Personalised Measurements</strong>: virtual reality headsets simulate different lens solutions, while 3D scanners offer accurate measurements for optimal eyewear personalisation.</p><p><strong>Virtual Fitting &amp; Local Production:</strong> custom eyewear creation is possible using AI. A personalised avatar makes it easier to virtually fit frames and then the 3D print produces the eyewear in real time, complemented by on-site lens edging and mounting for 100% local, zero-kilometre production!</p><ol start="2"><li><strong> Central Area</strong><strong>: The Latest Innovations</strong></li></ol><p>At the core of Futurology, a space for learning and sharing showcases the latest innovations.</p><p><strong>Pitches/Workshop:</strong> a circular stage with two-foot bridges set up for dynamic presentations, pitches from start-ups and interactive workshops.</p><p><strong>Connected Products</strong>: 5 displays exhibit connected products while a special display unveils a connected eyewear concept, the result of the work of the Committee of Experts. These displays offer a glimpse into future trends and technologies that will transform daily life.</p><ol start="3"><li><strong> AR/VR/XR Experimental Area</strong></li></ol><p>The real and virtual worlds are not just overlapping, but existing together to offer unique and surprising immersive experiences.</p><p><strong>Virtual Experiences</strong>: a section devoted to RX experiences and raising awareness about vision impairment, created in cooperation with Arts et Métiers, to understand the challenges of low vision through immersive simulations.</p><p><strong>Smart Product Demonstrations</strong>: Two pieces of smart eyewear, Meta and Pulse Audition, are put forward so visitors can experience these smart eyeglasses that integrate advanced features, combining comfort, design and technology.</p><p><strong>Trends by SILMO Forum Exhibition </strong></p><p>The FUTUROLOGY space that explores near and distant futures reflects the TRENDS EXHIBITION, which offers a look at the images, shapes, colours and materials of different eyewear, a comprehensive overview that sheds light on the best eyeglasses and sunglasses from the exhibitors at the trade fair. A stage design completed by an edition of TRENDS by SILMO constructed as a real trend book. The four identified trends to follow:</p><p><strong>FREE COLORAMA</strong></p><p>Single colour, two-colour, three-colour and multicoloured, the glasses present colour palettes that are not afraid to show bold colour combinations to chase away dark thoughts.</p><p><strong>VIRTUOUS SIMPLICITY</strong></p><p>Quiet design makes an impression through minimalist style without embellishment, the height of clear design. Metal is out ahead, but acetate knows how to get in shape to make a place for itself in this quest for a streamlined design.</p><p><strong>CLASSIC VARIATIONS</strong></p><p>Long-standing staples, timeless and forever in fashion, classics possess an attractiveness that enables them to easily move through all periods and fads. And they can reinvent themselves without ever going around in circles!</p><p><strong>FULL SUN</strong></p><p>Sunglasses hold an increasingly important place in the eyewear sector (with or without sun!) They&#8217;ve become an accessory that is perfectly integrated into the collections of major luxury and fashion brands while long-standing or new creative eyewear manufacturers are making space for themselves in this sector with extensive offers.</p><h5><strong> </strong><strong>2024 Optical Design Contest</strong></h5><p><strong>Rewarding Boldness </strong><strong>     </strong></p><p>Now part of the large programme for enhancing the sector, the 2024 OPTICAL AND EYEWEAR DESIGN CONTEST is open to students from design schools around the world, and this year it places emphasis on the changing role of accessory eyewear, exploring the possibilities for new features and the resulting innovative uses. Overseen by renowned designer Olivier Jault, the competition encourages students to rethink eyeglasses beyond their traditional function, integrating unique characteristics that respond to the emerging needs of our modern society.</p><h5><strong>SILMO D’OR</strong></h5><p><strong>Rewarding Excellence</strong></p><p><strong> </strong>The ultimate awards for the talent of the sector&#8217;s players, the SILMO d’OR prizes are decided by a jury of professionals. The festive and prestigious ceremony will be held in an exceptional venue in Paris and will mark the 30th anniversary of the SILMO d’OR awards.</p><p>All the nominated and winning products will be exhibited in Hall 7, providing an exceptional display for the innovations and talent found in our sector.</p><h5><strong>SILMO ACADEMY</strong></h5><p><strong>Science Benefiting Optics</strong></p><p>SILMO ACADEMY is a top-tier scientific symposium that is vital in underscoring the progress, discussions and reflections occurring in the sector with a new format planned this year. A €10,000 grant will also be awarded to support a research project in vision and optical sciences.</p><p>2024 SILMO promises to be an important event for the entire optics sector, combining innovation, reflection and discussions to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow.</p><p>Come to the SILMO Paris from 20 to 23 September 2024 at Paris Nord Villepinte!</p><p><strong> </strong></p>								</div>
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		<title>Expo Óptica: The Largest in Latin America</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[Expo Óptica reaches another edition consolidated as the biggest event in the optical sector in Latin America. The fair emerged in 2003 under the name Expo Abióptica and is part of the international circuit of events in the sector, alongside MIDO (Milan), Expo Vision (Las Vegas), Silmo (Paris) and Optical Fair (Hong Kong). Abióptica promotes [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>Expo Óptica reaches another edition consolidated as the biggest event in the optical sector in Latin America. The fair emerged in 2003 under the name Expo Abióptica and is part of the international circuit of events in the sector, alongside MIDO (Milan), Expo Vision (Las Vegas), Silmo (Paris) and Optical Fair (Hong Kong).</p><p>Abióptica promotes and holds Expo Óptica, attracting the biggest global brands that compete for the preference of the Brazilian consumer. Expo Óptica fulfills its role as a hub for conducting business.</p><p>The annual meeting creates the right environment for the main representatives of global optics to present the full range of news, innovations and trends to market professionals.</p><p>At each event, Abióptica promotes discussions and lectures to provide more information to executives of companies in the sector. The themes cover all facets of the market: fashion, economy, health, technology and behavior.</p><p>Expo Óptica is the largest business hub for the optical industry in Brazil. The balance sheets show constant growth in sales of products and services, showing the strength of the in-person event as a driver of business in the sector.</p><p>This explains why the fair that will take place in 2024 was completely sold in just one day of selling the spaces.</p><p>Expo Óptica will take place from 10-13 April 2024 at Expo Center Norte, red pavilion in São Paulo (SP).</p><p> </p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>The Countdown to MIDO 2024 Has Begun</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[Milano – With just two weeks left before MIDO opens, the leading international eyewear show has reached its 52nd edition. Opticians, buyers, journalists and trade professionals from around the world will meet at Fieramilano Rho from February 3rd to 5th for an advance preview of the latest in eyewear trends, business and innovations. A highly [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>Milano – With just two weeks left before MIDO opens, the leading international eyewear show has reached its 52<sup>nd</sup> edition. Opticians, buyers, journalists and trade professionals from around the world will meet at Fieramilano Rho from February 3<sup>rd</sup> to 5<sup>th</sup> for an advance preview of the latest in eyewear trends, business and innovations.</p><p>A highly anticipated edition, unique to the international eyewear industry, to date, MIDO is already exceeding expectations: it will host approximately 1,200 exhibitors from around the world and the show will occupy seven pavilions at Fieramilano Rho, one more than last year.</p><p>Italy, Germany, France, UK, Spain, USA, Japan, Hong Kong and South Korea are just some of the nearly 45 countries represented by exhibitors displaying in the 8 show areas: Fashion District, hallowed halls of the big-name players; MIDO Tech, the largest international exhibit area focused on machines, raw materials and components; Lenses, featuring ophthalmic lenses; Design, realm of visionaries, and Design Tech, at the crossroads of design and technological innovation; Academy, incubator of creativity and invention; Start-up, reserved for smaller emerging businesses, and FAiR East, hosting Asian exhibitors who, after two years, are finally back to represent the entrepreneurial world of the Far East.</p><p>“<em>We have a huge responsibility, which we enthusiastically embrace every year, that of being a barometer of global eyewear performance,”</em> remarked MIDO President Giovanni Vitaloni. <em>Each year, we attract to Milano high-caliber buyers, distributors and trade professionals from around the world, thanks in part to the valuable partnership with ITA (Italian Trade Agency). Visitors from more than 130 countries will throng the Fieramilano Rho pavilions during the three days of the show, conducting business, building relationships and discussing the future of the industry, all elements that make a meaningful and, we hope, positive contribution to the performance of the optical and eyewear sectors throughout the year.”</em></p><p>MIDO is also continuing education, meetings and interactions that form a full calendar of workshops, seminars and meetings on a diverse array of topics, from the optical profession to creativity and trends, marketing to digitization, to sustainability and innovation.</p><p>Brand new this year are the MIDO MIDday Talks: every day at 12 noon, Future Concept Lab sociologist Francesco Morace will discuss beauty, design and passion with internationally renowned guests such as beauty expert and writer  Diego Dalla Palma, architects Mara Servetto and Ico Migliore, Chef and maître chocolatier Ernst Knam. The MIDday Talks will not end with the closing of the event but will continue throughout 2024.</p><p>Another new feature is the Market Insight section: in addition to trends with journalist Alessandra Albarello and Pantone&#8217;s VP Global Sales &amp; Marketing Francesco Tomasello on Saturday 3 February at 2 p.m., there will also be a presentation of the research &#8220;Purchase Drivers for Sunglasses and prescription glasses  and the Role of Made in: Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, USA and China&#8217; by Yoodata. The appointment is on Sunday 4 February at 11 a.m.</p><p>Also not to be forgotten is the cycle of HOW TO? meetings, designed for the more practical and daily activities of opticians&#8217; centres, which will be back again this year with new topics: communication and digital marketing will be discussed with Silvia Butta Calice, Founder&amp;CEO of Orbita Milano, fashion and trends with fashion journalist and essayist Antonio Mancinelli, and storytelling with writer Paolo Ferrarini.</p><p>Other appointments on the calendar include the presentation on Saturday 3 February at 10.30 a.m. of the first results of the programme in support of female leadership in the eyewear industry Empowering Optical Women Leadership, brought forward  with ANFAO and the Bellisario Foundation, while on Sunday 4 at 2 p.m. it will be the turn of the launch of the product certification programme CSE &#8211; Certified Sustainable Eyewear, set up  by ANFAO in collaboration with Certottica and aimed at encouraging the entire sector towards a sustainable transition.</p><p>All events will take place in the OTTICLUB area, as of this year located in Pavilion 1. The complete schedule of events will soon be available on the official website: <a href="https://www.mido.com/en/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://www.mido.com/en/</a>.</p><p>MIDO exhibitors and visitors are also actively engaged in the awards process. Winners will be announced on Sunday, February 4 at 3 pm in the OTTICLUB area for the following: BeStore Design and Innovation, six awards for the same number of categories in the Certified Sustainable Eyewear (CSE) Award for sustainability in the production of eyewear, frames and cases, and the Stand Up For Green award for the stand with the least environmental impact.</p><p>Alongside the fair in person, MIDO is also online with the Digital Edition (already available to exhibitors, it will be open to visitors from 25 January), as well as being on all the main social platforms. The site also features reserved areas dedicated to visitors, exhibitors, press and digital communicators.</p><p>MIDO is held at Fieramilano Rho (Strada Statale del Sempione 28) from Saturday 3<sup>rd</sup> to Monday 5<sup>th</sup> February with the following hours: Saturday and Sunday 9 am to 7 pm and Monday 9 am to 6 pm.</p><p> </p>								</div>
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		<title>Silmo Istanbul 2023 Highlights</title>
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					<description><![CDATA[SILMO Istanbul, first held in 2013, confirms its leading position and continues its expansion throughout Turkey as well as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa. More than 500 exhibitors and brands gathered to create a large-scale event, assembling the entire Turkish optical and eyewear industry alongside the major international corporations. For these [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>SILMO Istanbul, first held in 2013, confirms its leading position and continues its expansion throughout Turkey as well as Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa.</p><p>More<strong> than 500 exhibitors and brands</strong> gathered to create a large-scale event, assembling the entire Turkish optical and eyewear industry alongside the major international corporations. For these four dynamic days of synergies, innovation, and conviviality, a record total of <strong>13,385 visitors (+13% versus 2022)</strong> – including 80% from Turkey and 20% from abroad, hailing from no fewer than <strong>93 countries</strong> – came to explore the SILMO Istanbul experience and to discover a range of solutions adapted to their needs.</p><p>To guide and inspire professionals, SILMO Istanbul established its <strong>Trend Forum</strong>, a space showcasing the principal trends through a thematic selection of optical and sunglasses frames from exhibitors attending the trade fair. The hands-on <strong>Futurology </strong>area was not to be missed, allowing visitors to test smart products, discover new innovations in virtual reality, and experiment with a ground-breaking approach to sustainable production. Training was highlighted with <strong>SILMO Academy</strong>, a space dedicated to lectures providing insight into the significant challenges and developments facing the sector. Professionals and students enjoyed this opportunity to enrich their knowledge and deepen their awareness of the industry.</p><p>And to celebrate its 10<sup>th</sup> year of existence, SILMO Istanbul inaugurated the <strong>SILMO Istanbul Awards</strong>, presented to leaders of the Turkish optical industry in recognition of their exceptional contribution and continued commitment to excellence in the sector.</p><p><strong><u>THE CATEGORIES &amp; WINNERS</u></strong><strong>:</strong></p><ul><li><strong><u>TURKISH BRAND MAKING A DIFFERENCE</u></strong></li></ul><p>SAUREN by ETILER OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>EXPOSURE OF AN INTERNATIONAL BRAND</u></strong></li></ul><p><em>This category is reserved to international brands represented in Turkey by a Turkish company</em></p><p>SILHOUETTE by SER OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION – SUNGLASSES</u></strong></li></ul><p>SWING by PRESTIJ OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION &#8211; OPTICAL FRAMES</u></strong></li></ul><p>MOOSHU by GÜLCE OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BEST LOCAL PRODUCTION &#8211; LENSES</u></strong></li></ul><p>NOVAX OPTICAL LENSES by BETA OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>BOOTH </u></strong></li></ul><p><em>Best booth of the 2023 SILMO Istanbul event</em></p><p>CEMFA OPTIK</p><ul><li><strong><u>OPTICAL STORE</u></strong></li></ul><p><em>This prestigious special prize aims to promote exemplary professionalism, to encourage excellence among companies and services in the sector, and to foster development.</em></p><p>EMGEN OPTIK</p><p><strong>SILMO Istanbul 2024 will take place from 20 to 23 November.</strong></p>								</div>
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		<title>WOF2024: Wenzhou&#8217;s Gateway to Global Eyewear Excellence</title>
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		<pubDate>Wed, 22 Nov 2023 08:55:14 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[On 10-12 May, 2024, the prestigious 22 nd China Wenzhou International Optics Fair will take place at the Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. Recognized as China’s premier optical industry event and one of the world’s top four international trade exhibitions in optics, this annual spectacle draws participants from key optical hubs like Guangdong Shenzhen, [&#8230;]]]></description>
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									<p>On 10-12 May, 2024, the prestigious 22 nd China Wenzhou International Optics Fair will take place at the Wenzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center. Recognized as China’s premier optical industry event and one of the world’s top four international trade exhibitions in optics, this annual spectacle draws participants from key optical hubs like Guangdong Shenzhen, Fujian Xiamen, Zhejiang Taizhou (Jiaojiang/Linhai/Yuhuan), Yingtan in Jiangxi, Danyang in<br />Jiangsu, Xinhe in Hebei, and Chongqing (Rongchang/Fengjie), alongside Wenzhou’s vibrant local industry players.WOF, hailed as a pivotal platform for display, exchange, and cooperation, promises exhibitors a sophisticated and comfortable environment to showcase their offerings.</p><p>Going beyond the domestic front, the event aims to strengthen its global footprint by actively engaging European and American merchants, expanding its reach into the influential RCEP region. Anticipated to steal the industry spotlight once again, the 22nd China Wenzhou International Optics Fair is poised to open new doors of opportunity for the Chinese eyewear sector, making it a must-attend for industry enthusiasts worldwide.</p><p>Spanning an impressive 40,000 square meters of exhibition area, the 22 nd China Wenzhou International Optics Fair is set to host over 600 exhibitors, attracting more than 18,000 visitors, including a substantial presence of over 2,000 overseas buyers. Notably, we extend a special offer of complimentary hotel accommodations for up to 500 overseas buyers, providing a two-night stay.</p><p>In addition to these offerings, the exhibition introduces an incentive for first time group visitors, with the group members (WOF first time visitor) eligible to receive ¥1000 CNY per company. The event will unfold across seven expansive halls, each dedicated to a distinct facet of the eyewear industry, encompassing eyewear, ready goods and packaging, intelligent manufacturing, eyewear and accessories, brand eyewear and eye health, as well as eyewear lens and accessories.</p><p>This comprehensive showcase ensures a broad spectrum of eyewear innovations and facilitates meaningful interactions across diverse segments of the industry. Visit their official website at www.opticsfair.com or Facebook @ChinaWOF.</p>								</div>
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