Featured: Eyezone Magazine meets the future with ZEISS

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Eyezone Blog-Zeiss-The Future of Optics 2017

It’s one of those awe-inspiring moments when Eyezone Magazine’s team finally bears witness to the unfolding of a promising future in optics. This dream is already reflected in “The Future of Optics” Convention where the Global ZEISS Vision Care community has met up in Berlin to try to offer the best vision possible – from the lens to virtualization, as well as, to digitized selling and all the science behind it. #ZEISSfuture is the hallmark of the convention, held in September of 2017.  (more…)

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Is your optometrist ready for the AI-future on its way?

Eyezone Blog-Is Your Optometrist Ready for the AI-future On Its Way-WCEA

For many it’s a simple choice – if you have problems with your eyesight, see an optometrist. As we get older, most of us will probably need glasses, particularly for those that spent most of the working life hunched over a computer all day long. But this once seemingly straightforward profession of optometry is changing, rapidly. And these changes which are coming to the field of optometry may very well signal things to come in other areas of health service as well. (more…)

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Virtual reality headset matches user’s eyesight

Eyezone Blog-Stanford researchers personalize virtual reality displays to match a user’s eyesight
Stanford researchers are trying to personalize virtual reality headsets to take eyesight into account. (Image credit: iStock/AleksandarNakic)

Some new technologies can be tuned to our personal characteristics, like the voice recognition on smartphones trained to recognize how we speak. But that isn’t possible with today’s virtual reality headsets. They can’t account for differences in vision, which can make watching VR less enjoyable or even cause headaches or nausea. (more…)

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