Genes may be responsible for sight loss

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In a conference held in Edinburgh titled “Eye Development and Degeneration 2017”, scientists said that they have identified chemical changes in the eye that can lead to blindness. Their findings aid understanding of a genetic condition that causes sight loss for one in 3,000 people in the UK.  (more…)

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New interactive course for optometrists to launch in Kuwait

Promoted content Eyezone Institute of Opticianry, in collaboration with Brien Holden Vision Institute, is initiating a specialized refraction standardisation training in Kuwait. The 'Refraction Standardisation Course' is designed to refresh optometrists’ skills…

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Eyes see you: How your eyes can read your neighbor’s mind

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Photo credit: mari lezhava


Twenty years ago, a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge developed a test of ‘cognitive empathy’ called the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test (or the Eyes Test, for short). This revealed that people can rapidly interpret what another person is thinking or feeling from looking at their eyes alone. It also showed that some of us are better at this than others, and that women on average score better on this test than men. (more…)

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Is your optometrist ready for the AI-future on its way?

Eyezone Blog-Is Your Optometrist Ready for the AI-future On Its Way-WCEA

For many it’s a simple choice – if you have problems with your eyesight, see an optometrist. As we get older, most of us will probably need glasses, particularly for those that spent most of the working life hunched over a computer all day long. But this once seemingly straightforward profession of optometry is changing, rapidly. And these changes which are coming to the field of optometry may very well signal things to come in other areas of health service as well. (more…)

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Saudi Ophthalmology Award to Kovin Naidoo for work in childhood blindness and cataract

Eyezone Blog-Saudi Ophthalmology Award to Kovin Naidoo

Professor Kovin Naidoo, CEO of Brien Holden Vision Institute has been awarded the distinguished Prevention of Blindness (POB) Shield Lecture award.

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, May 1, 2017 — The Prevention of Blindness (POB) Shield Lecture award recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the prevention of blindness and vision impairment in their country or globally. The lecture is a feature of the internationally recognized event, supported by the Saudi Ophthalmology Society, which attracts over 1,500 attendees each year. As the awardee, Prof. Naidoo presented on his novel research and public health optometry work. (more…)

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Advancing optometry education in the Middle East and North Africa

Image source: Eyezone Institute of Opticianry Facebook page - Islamabad, Pakistan, 20 April 2017: Brien Holden Vision Institute Academy, Australia, and Eyezone Institute of Opticianry, Kuwait, sealed a long-term partnership to…

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IACLE Names Jordanian Optometrist Contact Lens Educator of the Year

Among those to receive the 2017 IACLE Contact Lens Educator of the Year Awards is Jordanian optometrist and Chairman of the optometry department at Amman Ahliyah University, Dr. Yazan Gammoh.…

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Vision loss linked to depression

The theme of World Health Day 2017 is depression. Various studies conducted by ophthalmologists and researchers show that adults with vision loss were 90 percent more likely to have clinical…

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Priorities for glaucoma care in Sub-Saharan Africa

Eyezone Blog-Priorities for glaucoma care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Applanation tonometry: accurate measurement of intraocular pressure is important in the diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma/ Photo credits: Gabriel Entekume

Glaucoma affects at least one in every 25 people aged 40 years and above in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It occurs as a result of the intraocular pressure (eye pressure [IOP]) being too high for the normal functioning of the optic nerve which is responsible for sight. Despite the vision loss that it causes, over half of the people with glaucoma are unaware and this is reflected in their late presentation in seeking care. (more…)

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World Council of Optometry marks 90 years advocacy

Originally founded in Cologne, Germany in 1927 as the International Optical League (Ligue Internationale d’optique), The World Council of Optometry (WCO) marked its 90th anniversary on March 7, 2017. Headquartered…

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